Finally got my Kuros bab done! I was a lazy shit when it came to submitting over on my dA, but ah well. But since the Brokt are my favorite of the Kuros so far, have Mongrel (or Mona, as she’s called by her charge, Maya). She.. doesn’t come from a happy background, but that’s all to be revealed soon enough. >D And yeah, some of her traits don’t make sense since she’s a heavy crossbreed, but she was made before the cross traits guide came out. :’D Plus some of it comes from… a lot of inbreeding, sadly. 

Okee, so I’ve had this sitting in my invox for a wee bit, because I had so much I wanted to gush about this bab ;u;

I just LOVE how unique this gal looks! Such a strange one, but in the way that I just eat up! I can tell you put a lot of thought in her, and i just *love* the tail too! Mutations do happen and it’s really cool to see that on one! I can’t wait to see her background, visually it shows she has had one unhappy life and it makes me so interested to learn about what it is! Also gotta say, I love how striking her eyes are, and her teeth, I dunno why i just, love how that looks? It pleases me eyes? YEE!!!

Thank you so much for sharing this bab!!! 
~Weird Hyenas

Tada! My very first KUROSIAN
(Well not the very first but the one that actually looked decent to me lol)

Weirdhyenas whatcha think?

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH WHAT A BOOTYFUL LADY AAAH!!! Beautiful work like holy pooples, you have such a gorgeous style! ;3; I LURB HER! The feathery shapes at the tips of her wings, how her markings frame her face, my doods amazing job ;u;

~Weird Hyenas

Name: Hashdore Voalgin-heart
Gender: Male
Age: 409
Species: Kurosian Dragon
Breed: Yinvaht
Bone Type: Gray Kuroniam
Relation: Notalya’s Father, Son of Niterac
Mate: 1
Element: Shadow, Smoke
Birth Place:
Role: Foster Care Taker, Mahourian Brother, Elemental Bonding(the study in combining 2-3 elements)(stoped)

Name: Niterac Voalgin-heart
Gender: Female
Age: 723
Species: Kurosian Dragon
Breed: Fiosioc
Bone Type: Silver Kuroniam
Relation: Notalya’s Grandmother, Hashdore’s mother
Mate: 2
Element: Black Fire, Shadow, Fire
Birth Place: Kurosia
Role: Black Smith, Mahourian Sister, Elemental Bonding(the study in combining 2-3 elements)

OOC : DoooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! Jebus, look at these awesome babi ;u; And a Fio! Awesome work hon, my lawd all those details, I’m in love ❤ ❤ ❤


Wyvernz: This is my final(At least for awhile) Kuros OC. This is Taryn. Mate and secret lover of Yveos and real mother of Grayson. She is a Kuros/Light Dragon hybrid who’s 90% Kuros, 10% Light Dragon. She is a Shire with wings that are more like dragons such as Flashwing and Blackout. I have a headcanon that I thought best explains how dragon with these kind of wings fly. You can check my headcanons page to see it under “General.” Decided not to color her in because, like the other pics, I have no colored pencils. T-T

For her design, I decide on her wings because I was curious on what a Kuros would look like with them so I gave her blades for wings. I chose made her a Shire breed mainly for the fact that she has gold kuronium bones. Her markings, underbelly, rear frill, and inner part of her wings are a light lilac color. She has the Light Element Sign on her rear flank and has markings on her front legs. I also put her tail tip and front face on here as extra details.

Now here’s a summary about her: Taryn is a renowned and well respected doctor in Kurosia. Using her knowledge of the light to heal her people and save valued lives. However she wasn’t always this respect. When she was very young, she was often bullied by other Kuros for being an unimportant hybrid which were called “Mutts”. As she got older, she proved her worth to her people(Though some still call her a mutt *cough* Kurogh *cough*) by strengthening her light powers and specializing in Darkened Light and Hardlight. With this, she was able to become a remarkable healer and decided to study medicine and become a doctor. She even gained the liking and respect of Queen Athrenna who asked Taryn if she like to join her harem of females. At first she was reluctant to accept, but seeing as her mate, Yveos was often on expeditions, she decided that she’d tag along with Athrenna’s harem every now and then, making her an “Unofficial Member”. She later became friends and lovers with Muirgheal, one of the Queen’s closest females in the harem. Taryn also has a southern accent and dialect because she was raised in a southern mining colony. Instead of saying words like “think” or “hello” she’d say “reckon” or “howdy”. She’d even say typical southern things like “That thing smells worst that a dead skunk floating in a bayou”. She does however, know how to speak kurosian. Her accent makes it sound a little weird though.

I hope you guys like her. Remember she’s only a support character for backstory and such, because well… She’s dead.

This my first real attempt at drawing a dragon body and I think I did well. If you see this weirdie, you can use her in any posts that involves life before the fall and what she does if you want. I hope you like her. 😀

Taryn is a character by me

Kuros or Kurosian Dragon belong to @weirdlanders

OOC : Ooooo dayum, them wings dood. Really, REALLY badass design, and aaw her backstory ;3;  freakn, awesome, YOU MAKE SUCH GOOD BABS HOLY POOPS 


DJINN: There was a time when I walked among the people of Kurosia, as one of them…

  1. Sorcha (


    Breed: Fiosioc
    Element: Electricity
    Role: Elementary school teacher
    Personality: Intelligent, stern, and compassionate, Sorcha always had a knack for holding the attention of young drachs and drache and tapping into their thirst for knowledge.

  2. Caer

    kyair )
    Breed: Brokt
    Element: Poison
    Role: Athrenna’s Army (formerly), Feuriah’s Guard
    Personality: Abrasive, sometimes to the point of being offensive, and fiercely protective of her loved ones. Had an adventurous spirit, and despite her sometimes rough words, could be very gentle and generous.

  3. Keelin
    Element: Air
    Role: Feuriah’s Advisor
    Personality: Quick-witted, sarcastic, and a hopeless romantic. A people person despite her sarcastic sense of humor, she understood them in ways they did not understand themselves at times. Often accompanied Queen Feuriah during neutral talks with rival groups, and had a soothing way of speaking that put others at ease.
  4.  Majidah
    Breed: Allus
    Element: Magic
    Role: Dancer, Performer
    Personality: Charming, intuitive, flirtatious. Having known Feur since shortly after Feuriah arrived in Kurosia, Majidah was rumored to have been her long-time lover, a rumor she did little to disprove. Enjoyed manipulating males of all species with her wiles.

MOD: Inspired in part by this post, as well as some plot things that @weirdlanders and I are working on implementing into the Skylanderwishes blog. 😉 Also long time no post. Kinda lost all of my inspiration for this blog after some really gross goings-ons last year, BUT I’m feeling the bug again. ;D

Note: No two Kuros!Djinn were ever seen at the same time. Djinn tended to favor her Allus form over the others until Feuriah became Queen, and then switched often between her Brokt and Yinvaht forms.

Djinn is © to me
The Kurosian Dragons are © to @pepper-peen-queen/ @weirdlanders
Fiosioc created by @lizzydizzydoodle/ @askgrimcreeper

OOC : *guttural happy noises* THIS. IS SO AWESOME

The Short History Between The Xorens and The Kuros

Many millennia ago, the Kuros had cross paths with the Xorens on the battlefield while fighting an unknown pack of creatures. A Kurosian warrior was the first to encounter the Xoren night, at first the Kuros was ready to fight this mysterious stranger, but the Xoren never moved he didn’t even make a fighting stance. This dragon was odd, it wasn’t just his presence that was intimidatingly strong, it was the dragon in general, he was up right, on his hind legs, standing up straight. Is this dragon even a real dragon? It didn’t matter to the Kurosian, this DRAGON could be an enemy, for all the Kuros could know this DRAGON could even be the one behind the attack by the strange creatures so the Kuros puts himself at the ready. Just when he was about to attack, one of the creatures pounced on top of the Kuros, he couldn’t move, the creature was over top of the Kuros pinning him down. The Kuros tried to shake off the creatures ragged claws desperately, yet to no avail. The Kuros was sure that his fate was sealed with knowing he was more than willing to accept death, but unexpectedly the Xoren killed the creature to save the Kuros. He was confused and grateful that his life was spared, but at the same time the Kuros was becoming angry with himself for being so weak. The Xoren didn’t want him to get too down about it so he tries to cheer him up by giving him advice. It helped the Kuros put the problem behind him for now, but it was no excuse he voud to train harder form that pint on. The Xoren was happy that the Kuros was no longer upset so he wanted to get back to the task at hand because the scene around them had went silent, it turned out that the fight was over. Now stood two armies, staring at each other in confusion and on the ready to fight, this stirred tension between the two. To make things worse the Kuros and Xoren was between them with the Kuros on the ground. The Xoren knows that he needed to move carefully, he didn’t want to spark anything so he let the Kurosian pick himself up then put a short distance between them. The Kuros said his thanks for saving his life and was just about to leave, but the Xoren asked an unexpected requests. He wanted an audience with the leader of their army.

To Be Continued…

This is for a collaboration I’m doing with a friend.

OOC : Dooood this is hella awesome!!! Very, very creative, intriguing, and the Xoren sounds awesome 😀 The art is very badass too, I love the style of the Xoren my lawd. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH AAAAAAAAAAH AWESOME WORK FALYSYU