
My  Urlathei Jylinabie (thunder bee) who despite her mean looks is just a school teacher.

Kurosian dragons/ Urlathei belongs to @weirdlanders

Holy sheit!!!!! LOOK AT THIS AMAZING BUG GOIL! Those colors are freakn fantastic SHE’S GORGEOUS OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~Weird Hyenas

Greetings Ruudtal and Ari I have a question. Was there ever Kurosian mythology or stories of Light Dragons? I am wondering because I myself am one and I understand my race is kinda rare. Albeit I understand and respect the Kuros and their culture.


Ruudtal: And if we did know something?


Ari: Information aint free. What are you willing to pay?

OOC : Ooooh dood the style of this OuO

Ruudtal, how did you and Ari meet? And would you happen to know anyone or have any connections to a person named Sabir?



Ruudtal: Well of course I know Sabir! She is my mother and with out her I would have died a long time ago…


And I met Ari when we were very small, about 5? Honestly I don’t remember a time when he wasn’t by my side. My mother adopted him from a distant family member or something. 

OOC : Excuse my exploding heart