I didn’t want to change to much since he is your boi but just a few minor design changes so he still looks like cynders father. ;w; if I have time I’ll probs change what I did a little bit if I can come back to this. The top page is also involved with the design but we’re just quick concepts for the head

Holy jebus tho, I…love this O_O like, so much about it, how stocky and rough he looks. That’s still totally going for the look I wanted for him, yet altering it in a way that still looks like him. Dooood, these sketches are amazing and helpful, I love your ideas for him!!! Also your style yet again I must gush over for a moment I LOVE HOW YOU DREW HIS FACEY *ahem*

Beautiful work and concepts, they’ve definitely in the vein that I was going for too ;u; Thank you!!!!

~Weird Hyenas

I know is about backstabbing. But backstabbing is form of betrayal. And Malefor did betrayal Kurogh and the Kuros. So I thought I can used this

I don’t know if Kurogh was first victim of the massacre but Malefor did rip his throat out.

MY DOOOOOOOOOOOOOD HAELTH THIS IS AWESOME!!! Omg it’s so gorey it makes me so happie ;u; Seriously tho this is AWESOME, I love the framing and lil Vovo back there ooooooooomg ;3; Beautiful work with the shading too, it’s perfectly dramatic to the scene ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤  Thank you for this awesomely gorey awesomeness!!!

~Weird Hyenas

Kurogh was a big name in Kurosia for many decades given his tactical genius, so for a long time, Feur did respect him. However, his personality is too soiling for Feur to find him attractive at any point. When he started showing his desire to become King, Athrenna found it humorous enough to tease Feur about it (before Burdohk passed, when Feur worked as one of her guards).

But, at least Athrenna got a kick out of it while it was still funny to laugh about 8,D

Apple of His Eye – pages 1-5

Had a lot planned for this comic, now that I look back on it. This… could be a thing I could continue, but greyscale color things to help save on time. It was a fun idea of Cynder getting to meet her father, Kurogh. Doesn’t seem like I put in the bubbles for the second to last panel, a lot of stuff needed redo but at this stage in my comic process, it’s all stand in, clunky simple stuff I come back to in the final stages 🙂

~Weird Hyenas

OOC : Two of the more hand-drawn knots from the Bound by Blood and Fate pieces I did! All of the knots drawn for those were done by hand, but again traced as they were just banners. These two had more notable variants to the sources.

The top one is an Uka drawn in the style similar to how dogs/wolves were portrayed in celtic artwork. Since Uka were such enemies of the Kuros, I imagine them being used in a lot of the artwork.

Kurogh’s is based off of the snake eating itself to signify his eternal hunger for recognition, greatness and power. 

After drawing these, I’m even more determined to get the hang of Celtic knots! They’re stunning and beautiful, but I am NOT one for symmetry so it’s incredibly difficult for me to draw them. But I’m getting more determined to practice and get them down, cuz DAMN they’re fun and pretty!