Bound by Blood And Fate

Kurogh – Hunger
Kurogh was a dragon of power, of fear, of emptiness. He strove for recognition when his brilliance wasn’t noted, and it drove him down a path with no end. He was Kurosia’s greatest Warlord, but that wasn’t enough for him. He became King, but that wasn’t enough. He sired a Seuth, and still it was not enough. Forever hungry for greatness, it was that hunger that destroyed him and his people.

Avelyn – Cinders
A child of tragedy and luck, the sole survivor of Kurogh’s bloodline. Out of the large clutch of six eggs, it was her egg that was picked. Her egg that was stolen in afterthought. Raised in Darkness that her people fought to control and regulate, she was given the degrading name, the mocking name, of “Cynder” as she was the last embers of a dying race. Despite her upbringing, she fights to make a new name for her people, even if it turned her against them.

Voteil – Failure
Soothsayer, one of heart. A child so young, one that could not even comprehend the horrors shown onto him. He tried so desperately to save at least one egg, one sibling, but he had failed. Taken, broken, left in snow. He did not escape with his sister, but he did save her from death. His guilt haunts him, leaves the poor child to wonder the castle to watch over his family until Bhailiu’s wings carries him to the Veil.

Feuriah – Lost
Queen born in hate, reborn in blood and ash. Wanting so desperately to follow in Athrenna’s footsteps, Feuriah fought hard to protect what the past Queen had worked so hard to keep balanced. Yet fate refused to acknowledge her sacrifices, despite her loyalty, her true heart. Born with purpose, to be a savior, only to lose everything in betrayal. A mother with more dead that living. A Queen with no people, A Queen broken and shattered, A Queen lost.


OOC : This heart murdering piece is brought to you by @dragonridersc, and sweet holy jebbles is this amazing. I’m a huge lover of animatics, a thing I would love to get back into eventually, and this one is defo one I haven’t stopped watching over and over and over again. The framing and transitions are spot on, and for something roughed you really get the idea of the emotions being conveyed. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH EVEN THOUGH IT TAKES MY HEART AND THROWS IT ON THE GROUND AND TBAGS IT.


Classic Feuriah and the Kuros Homeworld

for @pepper-peen-queen happy early b-day!! I thought of drawing them in classic Spyro style so I doodled up something for you!



Every bit of this is amazing! Wonderful to see wee Iggy and Feur in such a unique style, and freakn’ pouty dinglebutt Kurogh being a butthorn ;u; THEN FREAKN BOSS ASS QUEEN ATHRENNA, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH *dies and goes to valhalla*

Thank you so much Vergo!!!!

Yikes, how many battles with Athrenna did Kurogh survive ? With all the blood loss you’d think he would have died after only a few fights (which probably would have been better for Kurosia).

Lost Queen : Honestly, I lost count. At least a dozen… he was one determined bastard I’ll give him that. It took him months to recover after every battle, it’s from those fights he got as scarred up as he did. But every time he healed, he’d be right back in the ring, even more confident than before that he could beat her. I used to watch every fight, worried for my Queen, but after the first few times she smeared the ring with his rump it got annoying and sad. 

Yet, she never toyed with him in these battles. She fought him seriously, scold him, and walk away. Looking back… I think she knew exactly what Kurogh was capable of, so egging him on would have only made things worse. Yet, she stuck by the Kurosian law and refused to kill him in battle, though I bet she wished he’d die. 

Even though it would have benefited Kurosia I’m… almost thankful he didn’t. I can’t bring myself to wish for his death before becoming king.

In a way that I had Voteil and Cynder….maybe I am selfish, too.

Lost Queen : You see, Athrenna was far beyond Kurogh. When you fought to become the King or Queen, you gave it your all. Every bit of you, you fight. To show the people that you are are giving everything to lead them. This often lead to deaths, but the goal wasn’t meant to kill the other. Rather, it wasn’t meant to. You fought with everything you have to prove your strength, and if the other dies, that was a sign that your will and strength was greater than theirs. If you match them, then you were both meant to lead the people. 

Kurogh fought Athrenna over and over, because he wanted to be King not to lead the people like he believed, but to prove his self worth. He let his jealousy of his half brother, Asiirha, corrupt him. It gave him an unquenchable thirst for power and respect. He was a genius, a marveled mind for war strategy and execution, but his selfishness got the better of him long ago.

Athrenna saw right through that, and because of it, she easily beat him every single time. But she did not kill him. Despite his selfishness, she didn’t kill him because that was not the goal of the battle. He was the best Warlord to grace Kurosia, she valued that, but she fought him with all that she had to save our race from his jealous selfishness. 

The only reason Kurogh became King was because she died. When she passed… I knew my time had come. Kurogh had a tainted view of what the Kurosian future would be, and I had to do what Athrenna had worked so hard to keep from him. I had to protect my people, bring her ideals back to it’s streets, and finally after a hundred years of training I had to fight Kurogh to become Queen.

Asiirha© – skylanderwishes

When Cynder finds herself in a dream, she is shocked to find her brother’s spirit waiting for her. Yet this reunion is not a happy one as Voteil uneasily reveals that she is there to meet someone. Someone who can either answer forgotten secrets to Kurosia’s fall, or haunt her nightmares for the rest of her days…

I had another comic idea in mind, but when I received this ask I found that I couldn’t find a way to answer with a single or handfuls of panels. So, I decided that it would be a great mini comic 😀

I’ve been sketching pages for about a month now between commissions and other asks, and so far there are five pages. I’m estimating around possibly 10 or more! I’m very much excited to do this comic, as it’s canon in both Weirdlanders AND the Feuriah’s Dawn universe that Cynder was never to meet her father alive. Especially with the events of Weirdlanders, I wonder how Kurogh will take to his banished daughter >;D

~Weird Hyenas

Lost Queen : After Raigur’Ja’s passing, I spent more and more time dedicating myself on becoming Queen. I had little interest in lovers, and that carried on when I finally did become Queen. But, for different reasons. The way Kurogh and I worked, I was better at handling alliances, proposals, organizing events, all the inner workings of the kingdom while Kurogh was a brilliant war strategist, therefor he handled almost all of the warfare. It was heavily imbalanced, it left me with so much work I barely had any time to add in my thoughts on war, and it only got worse when I had Voteil and Malefor came to us. 

However, Kurogh had many lovers. Thank the Spirits, because it gave me less time to have to deal with him. One thing I didn’t like, however, was his taste for the snake workers. Kurogh had a thing for naga women, but they didn’t have a thing for him. Many times I had to remind him of his honor when ‘teasing’ the women. One female… Dolly, I think her name was, once broke a vase on his snout in refusal to him, the ONLY naga to ever do that to Kurogh. He was about to snap her neck when I stepped in. Honestly I was impressed by Dolly’s boldness, I liked her. 

OOC : Holy shit, old art is… gawd very old.

When I posted Kurogh, I mentioned that he was years old. I had his design roughed out about four or five years ago for him to eventually appear in the LoS comic “Feuriah’s Dawn”. This is for more of his LoS counterpart, and gawd he was one hell of a spikey boyo.

I didn’t end up planning to use this exact design as it was still not how I pictured him, but it was my very first go at him! His name was even spelled differently x,D Of course, Kurogh was always meant to look more like Cynder, or ‘evil Cynder’, but this design just didn’t do the honors. Close, but no cigar. 

I was going through some files in attempts to find something for a friend when I came upon this old gem. I just had to post it, old embarrassing art be old! 

|| Kurogh’s Finalized, Skylander Design || Kurogh Tag ||