
A future character what will show up in Erudite Gift! Based off a tumblr post directed to @weirdhyenas about a question that I was afraid to ask but turned out really well!

And I do apologise for the lack of uploads, Australian summer has me drowning in my own sweat..

Zarayn belongs to me, @direredemption

Baby Yehks are born with the ability to shapeshift right away, but their natural form is not like their full grown counterparts. They’re roughly the size of a normal horse, with their wings not fully developed but enough to allow them to fly upon hatching. They are able to care for themselves, and are born with the instinct to hide in other, lower forms to camouflage themselves. It can take half a century for a Yehkshir to grow to adulthood, and can live until they’re killed by the Black Swords. They are born with their crowns not yet formed, but their elemental gems grow with them. While they do not seem to have eyelids, they have a translucent set of eyelids that slide over their eyes in a circular motion. Their pupils eventually dull and their eyes turn a deep crimson when they’re full grown. They also sound like this

Although they can fend for themselves when they hatch, the mother will often flee with her Yehkshir egg and leave the others to naturally be spread among Kurosia (it is unsure how this happens. Some are distributed as eggs, others raised by beasts or ‘unknown dragons’ until they happen upon a Kurosian village, etc. There are many more tales of how the offspring of Yehkshir blend into the realm). The mother feels compelled to teach her single egg how to fight/kill/escape from the Black Swords, how to hunt for prey, etc. The mothers only stick around for a short period before they get sick of their daughter’s company, and abandon them. If the daughter doesn’t leave them first.

Olfur’Yehkshir, the bigger, all-mother Yehkshir, are born full grown with a single core element, with all their memories intact. Their eggs emerge deep underground as Mahoura’s own flesh is part of Kurosia; eventually making their way to the surface to once more hunt again. 

However with Mahoura asleep, she is unable to give birth to the Olfur. The Yehkshir that remain are far and few, the Black Swords killing them off more and more over the century Mahoura’s been asleep. Soon, the Yehkshir will die out, and the last hope of Kuros returning depends on awakening the Gods again.

Allus are one of the smallest breeds, but the most common breed. They are one of the most adaptable since they’re able to carry other cross breed traits the easiest. But they also adapt to environments quicker than other breeds, like in Raigur’Ja’s case. The Allus from his realm have a unique look to their skales/bodies given the harsh winds.

They also were the ones that gave the other breeds colored markings, though most have simple black markings or just spots.

They’re a bit of a strange breed themselves, I tried to make them really easy to customize too 🙂

~Weird Hyenas

Doodlin Feuriah in Spyro Reignited style! Credit to @theshimmeringisles for the Kuros species for the Reignited game, called Shadow Treaders :> still pretty Kuros-y, and once she’s fleshed out more, I’ll add jewelry and clothing! ALSO credit to @harper141 for the LoS font!

I have a rough idea that this version of her is very sly and mysterious, a bit more evil than the Lost Queen. While she’s also Queen of her Shadow Treaders, she has a young daughter, “Cynder”, but she rules solo. Her King long dead by mysterious circumstances, where Cynder thinks her mother had something to do with it. Feuriah seems eager to show Cynder how to rule an evil kingdom so that one day, Cynder may take her place and expand the Shadow Treaders borders. However Cynder is a rebel, often working with Spyro to battle against her mother’s evil schemes. Feuriah can’t seem to stay mad at Cynder for her repeated acts of betrayal, and simply ‘grounds’ her to the dungeons for a few days.

Shadow Treaders are a mysterious clan of dragons that live in a dark, deadly realm. They have little contact with the other clans, but their trade is rare and often sought out for. Legends say they pray to dark deities that gives them incredible evil powers, and it’s best to avoid them all together. Few creatures, let alone dragons, ever return from the Shadow Treader realms the same.

They’re heeEEeeere!

Finally after a long wait (my apologies), the Urlathei are here! Say hello to your buggy new friends 8D

The ref itself it way too big for tumblr, so it’s up on my dA! It’s the most detailed I’ve gone into a breed, but I plan on doing an in-depth ref of all the breeds like this for the Kurosia website.

Their lore will be updated at a later date! It needs some more tweaking, but since the ref itself was already completed, I wanted to post them up instead of waiting 😀

~Weird Hyenas

Finally got my Kuros bab done! I was a lazy shit when it came to submitting over on my dA, but ah well. But since the Brokt are my favorite of the Kuros so far, have Mongrel (or Mona, as she’s called by her charge, Maya). She.. doesn’t come from a happy background, but that’s all to be revealed soon enough. >D And yeah, some of her traits don’t make sense since she’s a heavy crossbreed, but she was made before the cross traits guide came out. :’D Plus some of it comes from… a lot of inbreeding, sadly. 

Okee, so I’ve had this sitting in my invox for a wee bit, because I had so much I wanted to gush about this bab ;u;

I just LOVE how unique this gal looks! Such a strange one, but in the way that I just eat up! I can tell you put a lot of thought in her, and i just *love* the tail too! Mutations do happen and it’s really cool to see that on one! I can’t wait to see her background, visually it shows she has had one unhappy life and it makes me so interested to learn about what it is! Also gotta say, I love how striking her eyes are, and her teeth, I dunno why i just, love how that looks? It pleases me eyes? YEE!!!

Thank you so much for sharing this bab!!! 
~Weird Hyenas

Tada! My very first KUROSIAN
(Well not the very first but the one that actually looked decent to me lol)

Weirdhyenas whatcha think?

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH WHAT A BOOTYFUL LADY AAAH!!! Beautiful work like holy pooples, you have such a gorgeous style! ;3; I LURB HER! The feathery shapes at the tips of her wings, how her markings frame her face, my doods amazing job ;u;

~Weird Hyenas

After peeking at his old ref, I had the sudden urge to update it. Somehow, finished it in one night. Why can’t I do this with everything ;n; Slightly updated his info a lil bit. I gotta do Raigur’Ja too eventually ;u; 

Name : Kruta Bur’vok
Age : 87 (at time of death)
Species : Yinvaht, Kuros
Family : Youngest son of King Burdohk and Queen Athrenna
Ideal Voice Actor : BD Wong, “Shang from Mulan”
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Abilities : Air and Earth combined in a dangerous array of sandstorms, or dust storms. Using his wings to create gusts of stinging sand, or blinding dust. While he was formidable in combat, Kruta preferred his studies than actual fighting.

Personality : Calm and collected, but easily agitated. Kruta was known to be a book-worm, studying war tactics with dreams of becoming a professor. While being the son of the King and Queen, Kruta was not known to boast about his bloodline. He was respectful unless his intelligence was demeaned.

History : Kruta was born in a large clutch to Queen Athrenna and King Burdohk. He was the youngest male to hatch, and was often picked on by his older siblings. So much so, that his eldest sister got too rough during a skirmish and bit off his toe… and ate it. However, Kruta didn’t allow the bullying to bother him, and as he grew he learned to use his intellect to benefit his people. He still grew to dislike fighting and using strength to get what one wants.

As he enters the colleges, he ends up meeting Feuriah, a female Shire set on becoming the next Queen. Quickly, the two became friends, as he grew to respect that she wished to learn how to be the best Queen by going the hardest route; decades of schooling and training, instead of simply trying to grow stronger to kill the Queen and take her place. The two worked together to study, often found sparring and testing each other.

But, the fateful day came when Kruta and Feuriah are recruited into their first real battle. The two were put in the same squad, even flying beside each other, when Kruta was struck by a flamed stone from the enemy, decapitating him.


  • Kruta was not the romantic type openly (of course, true love is illegal in Kurosian culture); however, his guilty pleasure was reading romance novels. Novels that often demonized love in exaggerated fashions.
  • Kruta had a heavy dislike of the Silverwings, mostly assuming that they were more meat-heads than intelligent warriors. While he was friends with Raigur’Ja, the two fought more than were friends.
  • Kruta was very close with his mother, often telling her of Feuriah’s progress.
  • He was Feuriah’s first Mjol, Kurosian equivalent of ‘boyfriend’
  • Kruta didn’t care for children. He was willing to have some as per tradition in the culture, but did not want any part of raising children. He didn’t dislike them, he simply had little interest. Instead, he enjoyed educating adult Kuros.
  • For the life of him, Kruta could not tell jokes. He’d always mess up the delivery, and Raigur’Ja enjoyed mocking Kruta playfully for it.
  • After he died, Raigur’Ja delivers Feuriah a gift Kruta had left for her if the battle hadn’t gone well. It was a book he had tried to get her to read for years, inside was one of his own feathers as a bookmark. Feuriah cherished this book and kept it with her even up to the Fall. Somehow, the book survived the Fall, and it was one of the many books Cynder stole from Kurosia to secretly give to Hugo to study. Cynder had no idea the emotional attachment Feuriah had with the book.