OOC : Two of the more hand-drawn knots from the Bound by Blood and Fate pieces I did! All of the knots drawn for those were done by hand, but again traced as they were just banners. These two had more notable variants to the sources.

The top one is an Uka drawn in the style similar to how dogs/wolves were portrayed in celtic artwork. Since Uka were such enemies of the Kuros, I imagine them being used in a lot of the artwork.

Kurogh’s is based off of the snake eating itself to signify his eternal hunger for recognition, greatness and power. 

After drawing these, I’m even more determined to get the hang of Celtic knots! They’re stunning and beautiful, but I am NOT one for symmetry so it’s incredibly difficult for me to draw them. But I’m getting more determined to practice and get them down, cuz DAMN they’re fun and pretty!