Random thought that you’ve probably already had but what if an albino Kuros is basically a Light dragon? And the Light dragon reverse, a dark coloured child, is a Kuros? Usually the two species have nothing to do with each other but sometimes this happens by magic/whim of the gods/etc? I’ve sort of been kicking this idea around in the back of my mind for awhile and there’s more to it, assuming any of it even works within your lore. XD

OOC : I have such a hard time trying to think of what to really do with the Light Dragons. I have ideas, but nothing that’s really stuck with me or strikes me as fitting for the world Kurosia is based in. Kuros/Kurosia all started with Cynder’s appearance, the armor in DotD, stuff like that, but I’ve really liked the idea of the Kuros lore being able to stand outside the LoS/Skylanders lore too. Personally, I love working with villains WAY more than good guys, so it’s not helping either x,D I’ve noticed that I just love to make things that people thought were good turn out twisted and bad (Warfang), while those that are evil and dark have so much more dignity and collection. I know very well aspects of my life effects this greatly, but it does make designing/creating the light dragons difficult without turning them into monsters -_-

I feel that should be the case, that the Light Dragons are the Kuros, but their opposite, and are hidden away in their own Veil while the Kuros took foot on land past their Veil. Like the time Mahoura was born, she had a Light sister (Aruoham would be a funny name, ahahaha x,D) who instead of finding a place in the mortal world, left for the heavens and developed her light there while Mahoura fought to balance whatever her sister came up with. That or like… I kind of like the idea that Mahoura birthed a Light Yekhshir to bring balance to the worlds, thinking “Light is birthed from Darkness”. I DUNNO, but I agree with you in that the Kuros and the Light Dragons would have nothing to do with each other unless it was the work of the Gods, or yeah, magic of some kind x,D

A weird idea I had (oui no pun intended), was that if an albino Kuros was born, the child would be taken to a temple on the very outreaches of the Kurosian Mountains. There, a creature similar to Bhailiu would take the child to the Light Dragons, thinking that the child belonged with them and not the Kuros. As if like, albino Kuros have the ability to become Light Dragons, or Kuros. I’m not so sure a;sldkfja;sldkfj