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Lost Queen : Oh sure, these were some of the most interesting deities I studied, I really enjoyed them myself ^u^

Here’s the typical explanation of them – 
The Yehkshir
There are fairytales of a shapeshifting dragon species within Kuros lore. The Yehkshir (yeh-keh-shire) were said to be the birthmothers of the Kuros as a species. They would disguise themselves as regular elemental dragons in order to find a desirable mate. Once found, the Yehkshir would then trick the male into breeding and then either kill them, or vanish to lay the eggs somewhere safe. There can only be female Yehkshir, and not all offspring end up Yehkshir. Most are born Kurosian, while one in 40 end up their mother’s species. None end up as regular elemental dragons either, although they may share their sire’s abilities.

These origin species have never been proven to exist, but instead live in fairytales and are often worshipped as Goddesses.

Our mother Goddess, or the Goddess of Love Mahoura, was said to be the very first Yehkshir. While we’ve never been able to prove they were real, unlike our other Gods, Mahoura once gave her people a description of them, and we carved statues and drew them off her descriptions. They were legend to be very large dragonesses in their natural form, some ranging from giants to as small as elephants. Those that did study their myth say that there were very few of them, possibly just a dozen, as they had constant hunters of light after them. We know nothing of these hunters of light either, and are just as much a myth as the Yehkshir.

They were also thought of as very agile, silent dragons. Stealthy, and precise. Their bones completely black, while their organs bright colors. Most depictions I see of Yehkshir show them as jet black with partially transparent frills/membranes, and glowing Bloodgems embedded in their skin. Usually black and red, but their secondary colors change. They don’t typically look much different, but then again, we’ve never seen them before. All we know of them are from Mahoura’s tales of them. 

I wish I could provide more, but that’s all I know. I studied them, but more out of curiosity than a practice. I leave that to the priests and priestesses ^u^


I love making OCs for Weirdlanders’ twisted take on Skylanders. 😀

sex: female (as far as anyone knows)
species: elf, dragon, phoenix, unicorn mish mash
colors: soft pastels

Whatever Lore was in life, she doesn’t care and it matters not in the presence of the woman she worships as a goddess, Hysteria.

When creating her patchwork demon, Hysteria made sure to gather parts from sentient beings who had died terribly at the hands of those who did not work for her parents or siblings. The elf part, especially, had an unfortunate end (all that was left of her body was the head). Why Hiss created Lore in the first place is unknown, but in so doing, she’s made herself a servant more devoted than the most dedicated priest of any known religion in all of Skylands.

Don’t let Lore’s serene looks or soft colors fool you: she is a killer. She is never not smiling, but her smile is brightest when ripping apart another sentient creature. It almost…but not quite…reaches her empty, soulless eyes. Pray you never hear her laugh. The only beings she refrains from killing are her goddess, Hysteria’s other creations, and those her goddess deems worthy of life (Hysteria’s family, mostly, though Hiss may have given Lore orders not to kill every living thing if only so there will be people left for her to subjugate later). Lore has an intense hatred for the living in general. What memories are left to her of the lives her parts lived are nightmares of their torture and eventual murders. She does sleep when she must, but Lore finds the activity distasteful because it always brings those memories to the fore, renewing her desire to seek vengeance on the air suckers who ended her in the first place.

When not doing her goddess’ bidding or tearing her way through the living, Lore enjoys reading. Her talons are just dexterous enough to turn book pages. Mostly, though, she spends her time in contemplation of the most holy Hysteria. Even if Hiss unmade her, Lore would see the act as one of divine benevolence.

Lore is capable of speech but often prefers to be silent, intimidating or lulling her victims with her constant seeming of serenity. Her voice is soft and gentle and she is capable of singing, as well as a number of more disturbing sounds that mix the voices of all her constituent parts. Lore is also capable of flight, but seems to stay in the air more through magic, hovering when she wishes to without the use of her wings.


LOOK AT THAT BABU, THAT SWEET EVIL BABU. RAZZY SHE IS BOOTYFUL Holy poops I freakn adore her so much and her personality aaaaaaah RAZZ I LOVE YOU LONG TIME 

What is the name of the mountain Kurosia is on? Is it cold and snowy at the top where the city is? Is there much change over the seasons in Kurosia?

Lost Queen : The mountain Kurosia was built upon is called “Allut Bhreithandordias“ (( pronounced "Ah-loot Burr-eight-than-door-dee-as” )) Or, in short, “Aluthandordas” (( “Alu-than-door-das” )). Which very roughly translates to “The Birthplace of Darkness”. The mountain itself in length is about… I guess the equivalent to the earth’s “Rocky Mountains”, only it’s almost as wide. Kurosia is built upon it’s highest peak, where we believe Darkness was first created and thus birthed our Gods. We also have some parts of the mountain separated in provinces, 9 in total, with Kurosia being the ruling city above all. Our mountain was often mistakenly called “The Kurosian Mountains” or “The Mountains of the Black Dragons”. 

The rocks that made up the mountain are jet black, sometimes glossy depending on the altitude. Forests grow on the mountain, but their leaves are often black, grey, or dark purple. We do have a red forest as well, but just one. There are lakes too that are home to some of the most fearsome lake monsters known to exist. 

The mountain is so large that it spans different climates, some places are warmer than others, others colder. Kurosia, being as tall as it is, is actually surrounded by constant snow storms. However the city is kept at a comfortable heat, it’s believed that Wunjabrot’s (see Kurosian Gods) forge keeps the city warm. However, the forests surrounding the city are in an eternal snow.

The city itself never changes seasons, some days the skies will brighten the city more than others but it’s usually ‘gloomy’ in appearance. Sometimes it’ll rain, but that’s it.