OOC : Damnit skylanderwishes, damn you for showing me this awesome FNAF2 song and getting it stuck in my head with Voteil and Lost Queen in mind. 

Damn you i love you

|| Youtube Song Link ||

Lost Queen : Yes… yes, we did. But it was one that I, personally, did not believe in.

As the centuries flew by, more and more of our people were killed. Some out of fear, others for our rare metal bones. Nonetheless, my people grew more nervous about our own end.

We were the legendary Kuros, black dragons born from the purest of darkness to serve the high purpose of keeping the eternal balance of good and evil intact. And yet, we were slowly being eliminated. 

Eventually, only the great city of Kurosin’Laidirlon was left. 

It made my people scared, to say the least. We grew desperate, begging our gods to help. They listened, and all protected our great and powerful city. They promised us a savior, a dragon of purple, to save the Kuros from extinction. 

We were aware of the purple dragons of legend, and so, our people prophisized that a purple dragon will oen day come to us, and save us. Not just save us, but they would lead us to victory over those who had killed us, and immerse their land into eternal darkness for their crimes agains’t the balance.

By the time I joined my people as a child, this prophecy was already three centuries old. Growing up, this prophecy… felt odd to me. It had an eerie ring to it, a bad feeling that nobody else seemed to feel would make my very bones grow cold. But, I kept this to myself. 

Then, the day came when he appeared.

I was Queen, and I was with my first clutch when that damned purple bastard appeared from the Veil. Oh how my city rejoiced, our savior of legend was here to deliver us from certain death. Nobody was as taken with him than my King, Kurogh. He welcomed him to our city and praised him as a God, and our people worshipped him. All, but me.

Right from the start, I knew his true intentions. He did not care for my people. We were a means to an end, tools for his own goals. He was not sent by our gods, but our gods were… eerily silent about him. Almost as if they could do nothing about him. So I took it upon myself to save my people from his wrath.

that bastard, that honorless, selfish demon…

was Malefor.


I´m…I´m sorry…I…I will just sit in the corner of shame for drawing this…

It just…felt like this song suits perfect to Voteil, because he loves Cynder very deeply. He always wanted to be there for her and being a nice big brother. He tried to save her egg when Malefor attacked Kurosia but…he died and Cynder´s egg was stolen by the Dark Master. After her birth Cynder was corrupted by Malefor´s darkness and became his slave. Votail blamed himself for this. And so when Cynder was free from the Dark Master influence and returned to Kurosia, he used to watch her. He was spotted many times but when Cynder tried to chase him he dissapeared. And I think that even thought he is happy that Cynder is no longer a slave, he still blames himself for what happened to her…

Kuros, Voteil:



Lost Queen : He stole my chance at revenge on Malefor, and he brain-washed my daughter to fight against me and her own kind. He was the first to attack me when kaos woke me from my emerald slumber. And he DARES to insult me further by taking the form of a Kurosian when he turns into “Dark Spyro”. I will kill him, if it is the last thing I, the last of the Kurosians, will do. I. Will. End. Him.


Skylanders : Awakening 

I’ve been wanting to try out a different inspired comic, so I’m trying my hand at the Lost Queen’s story. Feuriah’s Dawn was fun and all but… my inspirations have changed a bit, and I like her story in Skylanders a lot more. Feuriah’s Dawn isn’t cancelled just um… I dunno

So here’s the first three ‘pages’ of the comic! The title is a working title, and for the first part, it’ll be structured like a storybook. 

Also yes, the dragon on the right in the first page is Cynder’s father, Kurogh (pronounced Kuu-rogue or Kuu-rogg)

Weird Hyenas