


omg this actually made me stop and tear up a little ;u; it really conveys what’s goin on it’s touching, my lawd hon thank you so very, very much for setting aside time to do this for us ;u; thank you, thank you so much ❤ ❤ ❤

Sharing this here too because I can’t stop looking at it. I can’t express how accurate this feels, thank you @jaiette

~Weird Hyenas

Something That Needs To Be Addressed

Hello everybooty!

This week has been a bit weird (no pun intended), but since it’s happened a lot this week, I felt it necessary to make a post about this. Most of it is common knowledge, but either not everybody understands this, or know my stance on this.

Do not edit, repost, or claim my artwork as your own.

I’m pretty chill when it comes to this stuff. I see my art traced, stolen, etc. A LOT, and I know it’s something that I just can’t stop. It’s the internet, it’s going to happen. Hell, if people ask me if they can color in my linework AHEAD OF TIME, I don’t care at all. As long as I’m sourced as the original artist, and linked back to, I’m pretty alright with it. 

I’m honestly not comfortable with people editing my work though, or tracing/heavily referencing without my permission. Please, PLEASE, ask me before you do any of these things.

Even if I see these things happening, usually I’m pretty kind about it. I’ll ask to at least be credited, have the work removed, etc. I think the best of people before I get pissed off. 

However on tumblr, I can’t always ask kindly. If people don’t have their asks open, I can’t contact them, so I have to immediately report the post to have it taken down. And yes, while I can’t stop people reposting my stuff, you’re damn skippy I will report it when I can.

Another thing I’ve seen happen this last week or so is people using my character’s names as blog urls and titles. Please, do not do this either. It makes me very uncomfortable, and I do not want people mistaking that blog as me or representative of my characters.

So, just as a reminder to some peoples,

– Do not edit (this includes darkening my images, cropping them, pasting them on objects, etc.), repost, or claim my work as your own.

– Do not trace my work, or color in my linework without my prior consent

– No original characters from this blog may be used by anyone other than me. Do not impersonate my characters, do not RP as them, do not use their names or likeliness for your own in any shape or form WITHOUT my given permission.

When it comes to fan made Kuros, I’ve said this before, I am totally okay with people making their own Kuros! I don’t even mind if people make blogs dedicated as those characters, feature my own, etc. But the important thing is to be sure to credit me, Weird Hyenas, as the original creator of the Kuros, and even better, link back to Weirdlanders in some way! 

Like I said I’m super chill with a lot of things, but the most important thing;

ASK! Don’t be afraid to talk to me, I don’t bite! The only time I bite is when my kindness is thrown back at my face. That doesn’t make me a happy ‘yena.

If you see anyone tracing, reposting without credit, claiming my art as theirs, or basically going against everything I said here; Contact me! Let me know so I can properly contact the person responsible, and if I have to, I will report them. 

Thank you all for your time! 🙂
~Weird Hyenas, Mod

Superchargers DEFEATED!

WELL that took less time than I expected, but I actually beat Superchargers! 😀 

No worries, I have no plans on spoiling the game for anyone who hasn’t played it yet. All asks related to Superchargers plot will have to be put on hold for a month or so. I’ve got plenty of other asks and plots that will keep us busy till then 8D That… and I’m actually stuck on how to relate Weirdlanders with this plot! For now, I do have ideas, buuuut we’ll see.

Without spoiling anything, I will say that I REALLY liked this game! It was a very pleasant surprise how much I loved it. The car aspect was slightly distracting, but the game plot handled it in a way that made it all very fun. Gameplay wise the cars controlled pretty well. Plotline… again, not spoiling anything specifically, but I LOVED how dark things got. For a kids game I loved the darker elements they put in, and even the silly parts had both my husband and I, a 25 and a 26 year old, cackling like hyenas. Especially Kaos’ parts near the end, I LOVED the humor!

Drawbacks? Yeah, I actually have some things I didn’t like about the game sadly. But not much, nit picky things since this game has SO much more meat to it after you beat the story. 

It’s more of a worry, I guess. I haven’t gotten the Golden Queen expansion pack (or as I call, DLC packs, w/e), I can’t say for sure, but I hope all the upcoming DLC packs aren’t just racing related. Racing was fun, sure, but I absolutely LOVED the packs that Trap Team came up with! Each one had an interesting little plot, some I even went back to and played over and over again (the mirror of mystery one was my fav x,D). I really hope the same for Superchargers, to give us some more plot snacks to last us another year until the next one is released.

Lastly, I feel is perhaps good on my wallet x,D As much as I loved Supercharger designs, there actually aren’t a lot of characters I’m dying to get this time around. No new dragons so far… that’s really disappointing. There’s still a few I REALLY want, but none that I’m going to flip tiddies over getting like I did with Knight Light or Blackout, etc. 

But, in the end, I freaking LOVED THIS GAME GUYS HOLY SHIT. Vicarious Visions did not disappoint at all, they did an amazing job with this game and jebus it was a blast. I’m pretty happy with the character development they did with Kaos, it wasn’t MUCH, but it was development that I enjoyed. I even want to play the story mode again, something I haven’t done in a Skylanders game yet! There’s so much more to do too, and I greatly look forward to it ;u;

~Weird Hyenas



Imagine your icon stripping to the last song you listened to.


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