
Hugo’s Skylands Field Journal:
Dragons are notoriously proud, and sometimes stubborn creatures that tend to dominate Skylands. So, naturally, there are quite a few heroes and heroines that Eon calls on to serve the Skylander Heroes that are dragons. Usually, they tend to flock to one another; they’re instinctively drawn to one another, not unlike wolves or lions.

So, it was to be expected that when Cacus

Fēnghuǒ, whose Skylander Hero moniker was simply ‘Flame,’ joined the Fire Skylanders, he and Spyro would get along swimmingly. But, it wasn’t like that.

It wasn’t like that at all.

Spyro always seemed really suspicious of Flame. And sometimes, outright antagonistic towards him. Some chalked it up to Flame being much older and more physically athletic, others claimed it was because of Flame’s villainous father could be seen clearly in Flame’s features. But I personally believe another reason, one Cynder let me in on:

Flame’s always been very popular with the female dragons in his age-group. He even dated Cynder for a brief time, but the two just didn’t quite match up. The two are still good friends, but Spyro has always seemed to resent Flame since he found out about this. Not to mention he’s got quite a few fangirls, both in the Skylander Heroes ranks and outside of it, and he was raised in-part by Spyro’s late-mentor Ignitus.

Flame was always confused by Spyro’s behavior, mostly. He was never a spitfire like many assumed he might be. Sure, he was passionate about helping others and his beliefs, but he wasn’t one to be goaded into a fight easily. His temper burned very slowly, and only became an inferno when something drastic happened….

Despite being ‘Public Frenemy Number 1′ in Spyro’s little black book, Flame was still well-liked in the Skylander Heroes. His two closest friends were Hot Dog and Pop Thorn, and the three would often go off on missions together. When I asked Cynder about why Spyro seemed to dislike Flame so much, she even told me that Flame was the one who urged Pop Thorn to ask Cynder out! The three of them were like brothers, and still keep in close contact, even though Flame no longer serves as a permanent Skylander, and Cacus is currently being trained to become the next Fire Guardian in Warfang.

MOD: This storyline is specifically for the Weird Wishes universe, meaning Spyro is born from the magic in the universe as opposed to being the son of Morpheus and Brissa. In a universe where Spyro and Cacus are half-brothers, Cacus is aware of this fact, and tries to befriend Spyro. It never works, though, and in both universes, this is the reason why Cacus leaves the Skylanders.

As an aside, look at how angry that purple frog is.

OOC : oh my gawd he so mayd x,D but my heart, Pop Thorn my heart ❤