(( Full biography here ))

One of the many references I’ve been meaning to do for a long time, and was actually able to do it. Athrenna is a character I hold very close, she symbolizes an emotional strength I wish I had, confidence and ability to succeed too. I cherish her so much, that I won’t even do nsfw content with her. Out of all my characters, she’s one of my top favorites ❤

I tweaked her design a little, and finally gave her a full backstory, which is on my Deviantart cuz THERE’S A LOT X,D There’s so many refs I need and want to do, but lawd these take a longass time to do X-X’’’


~Weird Hyenas, Mod 

I’m back with more Weirdlanders FRagons. I scrolled through a few tags and did most of the dragons I could! Excluding Kurogh B/C he’s an ass

From top to bottom: Raigur’ja, Queen Athenna, Voteil, and Havok. I’d kill for a Skydancer that looks like Athenna TBH.


OOC: OH MY GOD THESE ARE SO ADORABLE IT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL AAH!!! Dayum, that Athrenna one is just absolutely gorgeous, and I love you picked a few obscure WL characters! Raigur’ja does need more love *facepalms* Ooooo the Voteil one toooo, my heeeeart ;3; 

Dayum, these are just gorgeous! Beautiful job yo!

FD – Queen Athrenna by DragonOfIceAndFire

OOC : I think I literaly spent 15 solid minutes screaming at Sven for this, I had such a hard time putting words to how this made me feel, I can’t apologize enough for the massive amounts of keyboard smashing and screaming x,D BUT, I was so incredibly happy to see this, I had to show my husband right away and I swear I gawked for what felt like hours after the fact. Thank you again Sven, you’re a sweetbutt to have drawn this for me ;u;


Classic Feuriah and the Kuros Homeworld

for @pepper-peen-queen happy early b-day!! I thought of drawing them in classic Spyro style so I doodled up something for you!



Every bit of this is amazing! Wonderful to see wee Iggy and Feur in such a unique style, and freakn’ pouty dinglebutt Kurogh being a butthorn ;u; THEN FREAKN BOSS ASS QUEEN ATHRENNA, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH *dies and goes to valhalla*

Thank you so much Vergo!!!!

Lost Queen : Oh spirits can I, I could talk about her for hours. But… hm, I’ll pick something more specific, as so I don’t write an entire novel about her.

Queen Athrenna was rarely seen without her helmet and armor. I grew up thinking that it was because she always wanted to assert her regal appearance, but growing older I learned that it was because of her… scars.

She has… had, three ‘major’ scars that she just couldn’t seem to heal. The ones on her wing she received by the same kingdom of sphinxes that Scratch is from. The wound was in attempt to disable her left wing, but due to Athrenna’s strong will, was able to heal it leaving only the scars. Scales seemed to refuse to grow over them, and so she simply kept her armor on.

The scars on her chest are from Burdohk himself. She received it during her battle to become his mate, and since then Burdohk seemed oddly ashamed of himself. Our belly plates, if broken, can take over 50 or more years to heal again, but she never seemed to heal the ones on her chest. I always thought she wore her chest piece because Burdohk told her to. But, from what I learned from the journals of their maids after Kurosia’s fall, Athrenna wore a chest piece to keep her King from feeling bad about scarring her. 

Lastly, the scars on her face. Athrenna seemed to be ashamed of them the most. And sadly… I have no idea how she got them. She never told anybody, and she entered Kurosia with them as a young teen. Athrenna herself came from a small settlement of Yinvaht Kuros near one of the many large lakes in the mountains. Her village was destroyed by Arkeyans, so many assumed she received her scars from that battle. Any specifics are unknown… the secrets of the scars on her face died with her.