Lost Queen : I have so many memories of Kurosia before The Fall. Many, many nights spent at my favorite local pub with Kruta and Raigur’ja. It was a weekly thing for years upon years, yet… it never got old. Kruta would always bring his studies with him, Raigur would come for the food. We’d swap stories about our week, and Raigur would boast about what he did among the Silverwings, much to Kruta’s annoyance. 

Ahaha, Raigur would always, without fail, try to wean me into studying to be a Silverwing instead. He didn’t doubt my abilities, instead that’s what brought him to me. Every night we’d have our hangout the two would squabble about it, Kruta insistent that my education was far more important than muscling my way to the top. 

Despite this, there was always that time of the night where we’d just laugh, sing our favorite songs, embarrass each other…I miss it. But I know those days are long, long gone. All I can do now is look back at these memories with a smile, celebrate the life those two had, and appreciate the experiences they gave me. We all have to look toward the future, even if it seems bleak, and appreciate what’s around us in the now.


OOC : Happy new year everybooty! Here’s to a new, better year for everyone ❤

I’m back with more Weirdlanders FRagons. I scrolled through a few tags and did most of the dragons I could! Excluding Kurogh B/C he’s an ass

From top to bottom: Raigur’ja, Queen Athenna, Voteil, and Havok. I’d kill for a Skydancer that looks like Athenna TBH.


OOC: OH MY GOD THESE ARE SO ADORABLE IT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL AAH!!! Dayum, that Athrenna one is just absolutely gorgeous, and I love you picked a few obscure WL characters! Raigur’ja does need more love *facepalms* Ooooo the Voteil one toooo, my heeeeart ;3; 

Dayum, these are just gorgeous! Beautiful job yo!

Lost Queen : Ha! I’m surprised you noticed, honestly it took me a while to notice myself. I could tell he wasn’t all that keen on talking about it, and for a time I thought it happened some tragic way. After all, missing limbs was VERY common in our culture. Sometimes Kuros bragged about them, sometimes they’d rather not speak of it. Kruta seemed almost embarrassed by it, and yeah, it was odd that he just had a single toe missing and not his whole foot. It took a while for our friendship to grow enough for him to ignore Raigur’s teasing to tell me.

Turns out, one of his nestmates just got too rough when he was a whelp and bit it off and ate it. 

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