Name : Kurogh Maeldunvok (Pronounced Kuu-Rog)
Gender : Male
Age : 458 (At time of death)
Species : Kurosian dragon
Breed : Shire
Relations : Feuriah’s mate, Sire of Voteil and Cynder, brother of Asiirha
Parents : Sire – Maeldun Dam – Elaida
Element : Fear
Desired Voice Actor : Joel Edgerton

Personality : Very abrasive and cocky of his strength, Kurogh didn’t get along with anyone. He’d much rather prove his strength and earn respect that way instead of using the art of conversation. However, it didn’t make him stupid. Kurogh was one of the most efficient, lethal Warlords in Kurosian History, his tactics and techniques were brilliant to a destructive scale. He was a master of his element, Fear, but the one thing Kurogh feared most was losing power, and death. It was hard to hold a meaningful conversation with Kurogh; if it didn’t entail praising himself or war, he made it clear he didn’t care. Selfish (to an extent), boastful, and incredibly demanding. He was a firm believer of the Purple Dragon Prophecy, and was Malefor’s most loyal follower. He felt above most typical Kurosian customs and beliefs, feeling he could lead the way to a better, more powerful, feared, and pure Kurosian race.

History : Despite the fact Kurogh was the last Kurosian king, little is known about his youth. His father was sire to many, many offspring, and did not see anything special about Kurogh enough to take part in his life. Kurogh’s mother was strict in teaching Kurogh war tactics and fighting techniques, enrolling him in specific schools far earlier than most would attend. While it was common that most males wouldn’t aid in raising young (especially after the first few clutches) Kurogh wanted to be the apple of his father’s eye, and grew incredibly jealous when he realized Asiirha was the trophy child, not him. His brother was born with black bones, such a trait is nearly holy to the Kurosian people and it left Kurogh in Asiirha’s shadow. Angry, Kurogh did everything he could to prove himself stronger, and better than his brother in every way; but always fell short to the point his own father rarely remembered his name. 

The fear dragon’s strength and cunning accelerated him through the ranks, becoming one of the youngest appointed Warlords in the Kurosian Court. When Feuriah first arrived in Kurosia, it was Kurogh that suggested war upon Warfang.

When King Burdohk died, Kurogh tried to become king right away. However, Queen Athrenna kept defeating him year after year. Only after her death did he automatically gain the crown. No female could match his skills, most of them dying at his jaws, until Feuriah battled him and became his Queen.

The very first cycle, Kurogh insisted that he and his Queen produce offspring. Most would wait quite a few  cycles before reproducing, but Kurogh wanted a legacy. Feuriah agreed, and their first child was born; Voteil. But, during her time of pregnancy, Malefor arrived through the Veil of Darkness claiming to be their savior, with Asiirha and his wife Roxandara. Kurogh, having been a firm believer of the purple dragon prophecy, at once bowed to Malefor and swore his allegiance, while Feuriah was cautious. This was only the beginning of the King and Queen’s hate for each other.

Kurogh obeyed Malefor’s every word. After Voteil’s birth, and his soothsaying abilities were revealed, Malefor immediately disliked the child and told Kurogh that the child was a curse. Kurogh believed him, listening to Malefor as the purple dragon assured him they would need warrior children to lead the final wars against Skylands. Kurogh then demanded that Feuriah resent their son, but of course, the Queen lashed back venomously. To keep her rebellious thoughts and plans hidden, Feuriah agreed to participate in the next breeding cycle to placate him. 

However, during Feuriah’s second pregnancy, Kurogh became reclusive. He spent most of his time with Malefor and his closest most loyal followers. He grew more and more angry with his brother, Asiirha, and shortly after Feuriah gave birth to Cynder’s clutch, became incredibly paranoid about his position as king and furture overlord once Malefor encased the universe in eternal darkness. (( Related Post )) The night Feuriah snuck away to meet with Eon and the Skylanders, Kurogh was nowhere to be seen.

Kurogh’s body was later found by Feuriah during the last hours of Kurosia’s life. He was among their smashed eggs, his throat viciously torn out and his body mangled. 

When Feuriah returned as the Lost Queen over 100 years later, she immediately blocked access to the Royal Hatchery and hid it away. Underlings have stories about walking by the hidden door, hearing faint roars of anguish and hatred from the wall. 

Facts :

  • Kurogh originally found Feuriah very attractive and a worthy mate. While their personalities clashed and he grew distasteful of her, he’d still get jealous when others grew interested
  • Absolutely hated the word ‘moist’
  • Kurogh was one of the warlords that helped organize the raid on Warfang, and originally was very distrustful of Feuriah. Her loyalty and ruthlessness after the war gained her interest from him.
  • Loved snakes, and often had many enslaved snake people work for him. Rattle Shake claims that his grandfather was one of the snakemen enslaved by Kurogh, thus Shake’s dislike of Kuros.
  • Had very cute, squeaky sneezes that he would often ignore or pretend didn’t happen
  • Kurogh fought Eon face to face countless times, but the portal master always beat him. One such battle is rumored to have been so intense, that one of Eon’s spells clashed with Kurogh’s attacks and unknowingly created the alternate universe of “Mirror of Mystery”. Because of his many battles with Kurogh, Eon was almost reluctant to make Cynder a Skylander; but did so anyway for her heroic deeds, and his own personal guilt.

OOC : I actually really liked how the doodle came out, so after finishing the flats for a commission, I decided to give this pic a shading job. The Queen’s described Kruta already, but I went ahead and made a little character description for him ^u^ enjoy!

Name : Kruta Bur’vok
Age : 87 (at time of death)
Breed : Yinvaht Kuros, “Feathered Kuros”
Family : Youngest son of King Burdohk and Queen Athrenna
Ideal Voice Actor : BD Wong, “Shang from Mulan”
Related Weirdlanders PostsClick here

Abilities : Wind. Kruta’s abilities were sandstorms, or dust storms. Using his wings to create gusts of wind that consisted of stinging sand, or blinding dust. While he was formidable in combat, Kruta preferred his studies than actual fighting.

Personality : Calm and collected, but easily agitated. Kruta was known to be a book-worm, studying war tactics with dreams of becoming a professor. While being the son of the King and Queen, Kruta was not known to boast about his bloodline. He was respectful unless his intelligence was demeaned. 

History : Kruta was born in a large clutch to Queen Athrenna and King Burdohk. He was the youngest male to hatch, and was often picked on by his older siblings. So much so, that his eldest sister got too rough during a skirmish and bit off his toe… and ate it. However, Kruta didn’t allow the bullying to bother him, and as he grew he learned to use his smarts to benefit his people. 

As he enters the colleges, he ends up meeting Feuriah, a female Kuros bent on becoming the next Queen. Quickly, the two became friends, as he grew to respect that she wished to learn how to be the best Queen by going the hardest route; decades of schooling and training, instead of simply trying to grow stronger to kill the Queen and take her place. The two work together to study, often found sparring and testing each other. 

But, the fateful day came when Kruta and Feuriah are recruited into their first real battle. The two were put in the same squad, even flying beside each other, when Kruta was struck by a missile from the enemy, decapitating him.


  • Kruta was not the romantic type openly (of course, true romance as described in other cultures was not the same as Kurosian romance); however, his guilty pleasure was reading romance novels
  • Kruta had a heavy dislike of the Silverwings, mostly assuming that they were more meat-heads than intelligent warriors. While he was friends with Raigur’Ja, the two fought more than were friends
  • Kruta was very close with his mother, often telling her of Feuriah’s progress 
  • If love was more acceptable in Kurosian culture, Feuriah and Kruta would have fallen in love, and possibly would have become mates. Instead, the two become Mjol and Mjia, the Kurosian equivalent of a boyfriend and girlfriend.
  • Kruta’s speech was very articulate
  • Favorite food was the same as Feuriah’s, which was seafood. Crawfish in particular
  • Kruta didn’t care for children. He was willing to have some as per tradition in the culture, but did not want any part of raising children. He didn’t dislike them, he simply had little interest. Instead, he enjoyed educating adult Kuros.
  • Kruta was deathly afraid of Uka, Kuros-eating bat creatures that lived in the mountains surrounding their city. In turn, he was also fearful of bats.
  • For the life of him, Kruta could not tell jokes. He’d always mess up the delivery

Core Toy Headshot – Normal figurine that, in game, shows Headshot to be his usual gleeful self. His idle animation is often him running in circles chasing his own head. 

Lightcore Headshot – The Headless Horseman of Cozy Hollow pow-wow displaying the phantom centaur’s deadly axes. Unlike his core toy, this is the villainous side of Headshot that haunted Cozy Hollow for years. His idle animation is very still, where no matter how he stands, his head will eventually turn to stare at the screen. His voice is pitched down, and he makes no puns; instead, he either wildly cackles or wails “You can’t outrun me!”


Weirdlanders and I often collab on universes (as you can all see from the array of Havok X Stormee references) and one of our roleplays entailed Hysteria and her chimeras, so…I DECIDED TO MAKE MY OWN 8D

Dysdain is the mix of a lappet-faced vulture, a bat, and a rattle snake. He is very loyal to Hysteria and will do just about anything to please her, but his downfall is that he always tries to do things on his own rather than cooperate with the other chimeras. He gets hurt QUITE often but usually always gets the job done. When he doesn’t succeed at something, he throws a vulture-styled hissy fit when no one’s looking. ^u^ 

Dysdain © A7XSparx and WeirdHyenas

Hysteria : Eheehehehehe yes… my army is growing >:3


The Vultures

The Vultures are a strange species created by Hysteria when she was a child in attempt at making dependable minions. She gathered leftovers from her meals, pushing the pieces together and using her portal master abilities to bring them life. Although they are technically chimeras, she refers to them as ‘her vultures’, as every single chimera is made using a bearded vulture’s head and other species’ parts. In the beginning, she creates three main vultures; Vayn, Envii, and Skorn. However when she’s older, she begins to create more and more, eventually allowing them to breed until she has a full army. But the three main become her generals, with Vayn being her second in command.

The vultures praise Hysteria as their deity, for she brought them life and feeds them power. In turn, making them dangerously loyal to her. They each have a magical link to her, ensuring that not one would defy her, working almost like a brain-washing spell. If one shows even the slightest bit of resilience to Hysteria, they are either beaten by the other vultures, or killed. 

Species : Bearded Vulture, Gryphon, Crocodile
Sex : Male
Description : Vayn was the first of Hysteria’s vultures to be born, and the most loyal to her. He follows her every step, and listens to her orders to a T. Everything he does is in Hysteria’s interest. Hiss does like this, however he easily gets on her nerves for being too clingy.
Inspired by this vulture

Species : Bearded Vulture, Striped Hyena
Sex : Female
Description: Over-zealous, but still loyal. Envii does what her goddess tells her to do, but will most likely end up killing her target instead of capturing them, or becomes too distracted with the kill to listen to orders. Envii is very aggressive and easy to tempt into fighting. While she’s the most lethal of the vultures, her enthusiasm is her fault.
Inspired by this vulture

Species : Bearded Vulture, Panther, Mule Deer
Sex : Male
Description : Skorn is often found sleeping and sun bathing when he isn’t following Hysteria’s orders. He can be seen as lazy, but when he’s given a goal, he’s dangerously attentive. He’s the quietest out of the three main vultures, but will aid in Envii’s games to tease Vayn. 
Inspired by this vulture


  • Hysteria’s vultures were, as is most things with me, inspired by a song. Delain’s newest album, The Human Contradiction, had been released, and upon listening to the first song I decided that not only would the lead singer Charlotte Wessels be adult Hysteria’s voice, but her minions would be gryphon vultures. The first song off of their CD is called “Here Come The Vultures”, which I can without a doubt visualize Hysteria singing.
  • Vayn was then inspired by the gryphon from the awful movie nobody should ever see called “Quest to Camelot”, as well as my love of gryphons. 

Name : Sukiko Iwasaki
Skylander Name : Cherry Bomb
Species : Rosy Maple Moth
Gender : Female
Element : Life
Role : Neutal Good
Homeworld : Nippon
Voice Actress : ((To be decided)) 

Attacks : Cherry Bomb’s main attack involves her flinging bombs from her sleeves. Her secondary attack is "Cherry Storm", where she summons cherry blossoms to slice and dice her enemies. 

Story : Sukiko was working in an Okiya (geisha house) as a simple maiko (apprentice geisha), performing for a party when the Okiya was attacked by Kaos’ minions. The greebles wanted to kidnap geisha to perform at a party for Kaos. While the geisha are taught from a young age to dance and entertain, none of them could fight back except Sukiko. She used bombs she had hidden in her kimono and the cherry blossoms to fight back and she saved the geisha house. Eon was impressed with her heroics and asked her to join the Skylanders after the house made her a full geisha. She was given her a new performing name of Cherry Bomb, which carried over as her Skylander name.

History : Sukiko was orphaned as a child, but was very quickly taken in due to her rare beauty. For her type of moth had never been seen before in Nippon. A geisha house offered a high amount to buy Sukiko when she was a mere 4 years old, and the parents eagerly took the sum. From there, she was trained to one day become a geisha. While Sukiko was often favored and given more praise and attention than the other girls, she would denounce the praise until she earned it. She worked hard, practiced nightly, to not be the prettiest geisha, but the best.

When Sukiko was finally made a maiko, she found herself not just attracted to the art of entertaining and dance, she had a secret knack for creating cherry blossom petals with her wings. The moth took advantage of this, and used the petals to aide in her dances. It was her signature, and boosted her popularity quickly, along with her beauty. But it wasn’t her only knack… she could also use the petals to make little bombs. This of course never went well in her performances, so she kept them to herself. That was, until Kaos heard of her and sent his greebles to her Okiya to steal her and other geisha to perform for a party for himself.

While the other geisha and maiko ran and hid, Sukiko flared her wings and used her petals and bombs to defeat Kaos’ minions. By the time the Skylanders arrived, Sukiko was once again serving tea as if the fight never happened. Spyro was the first to greet her, and with Eon’s approval asked her to become a Skylander. At first, Sukiko refused, as the life of the geisha was more important to her, but her Okiya urged her on. They gave her the title of geisha, nicknaming her Cherry Bomb, and with honor Sukiko joined the Skylanders. She still lives and works at her Okiya, but when duty calls, she takes to the sky in a flurry of cherry blossoms!

Appearance : Sukiko is always seen wearing geisha make-up, with her black hair pulled up in style. Wether or not her face is actually white isn’t known. She’s a mix of bright yellow and lemonade pink, with bright pink and gold eyes. Voice-wise, Sukiko may speak softly, but her silky voice can carry in a room. It’s strong willed, yet calm and beautiful. She does have a japanese accent, but she is extremely articulated as her upbringing demanded it. 

Personality : Polite, socially fleunt, and kind, Cherry Blossom is a caring woman with a strong will. She’d determined to complete whatever goal she has with her own strength and knowledge rather than beauty. While she’s a formidable foe, Sukiko prefers being in the company of others and making them feel good about themselves. She is a people person, and as a geisha she knows how to entertain others with her stories, dance skills, listening abilities, and can even provide sound advice. If she wrongs anyone, she does her very best to make it up to them. But she is a woman who likes her space; Sukiko tends to enjoy herself around anyone, but prefers the company of those that can compose themselves. 


  • Sukiko’s last name, “Iwasaki”, was a special nod to my personal favorite geisha I’ve ever studied, “Mineko Iwasaki”. Mineko was one of the geisha’s interviewed for Arthur Golden’s “Memoirs of a Geisha”. However, Mineko greatly disliked how she was revealed and how Golden twisted reality, and so she wrote one of my favorite autobiographies of all time, “Geisha, A Life." 
  • Sukiko is a Rosy Maple Moth, a species native to North America, not japan. This plays in why Sukiko was often praised for her unique beauty.
  • Nippon, Sukiko’s homeworld, is a nod to the game Okami.
  • Cherry Bomb’s kimono changes constantly, with the season, event, etc. There is no one set of kimono she will wear.


Yet ANOTER Skylander OC! This gal came up fairly randomly, a mix of my love of those Rosy moths and fuuuuuuuuuh geisha’s ❤ I spent most of my college years studying Asian culture, focusing mostly on Chinese and Japanese, and the geisha have always fascinated me most. Thought I could use some of that degree in Skylanders cuz why the hell not!

Both Cherry Bomb and Headshot will be available for questions whenever I open them! This may be a villain run blog, but it’s also the Weirdlander verse blog, so any characters in the verse can be asked, not just the Kaos family. Whoop whoop!

~Weird Hyenas

Name : Mr. Marrow (First name unknown, changes on the whim)
Skylander Name : Headshot
Species : Undead Centaur
Gender : Male
Element : Undead
Role : Chaotic Good
Homeworld : Cozy Hollow
Voice Actor : Normal : Jim Carrey Serious/angry : John Noble

Background : When he was alive, Mr.Marrow was one creepy centaur that was at first thought of as harmless; he just liked collecting bones! Specifically, skulls. But the older he got, the more obsessive he became. He starts turning some heads of his won when he starts going to funerals and asking if he could have the deceased’s skulls! The bone obsessed centaur finds himself in trouble with the mayor of Cozy Hollow, and threatened to be kicked out of the village if he keeps it up. But Mr.Marrow there wants more and more skulls until finally, he just can’t take it anymore! He attacks the mayor with his trusty axe and cuts off his head to steal. Unfortunately, the mayor wasn’t too happy with what Mr.Marrow had done. He hops his head out of Mr.Marrow’s window and rats the crazed centaur out. He’s arrested for the killing and sent to the guillotine as an ironic punishment. 

When the village thought he was dead and gone, something strange began to happen at night. The villagers start to spot a dark figure running about at night, but soon they feared the figure as it began to pick them off one by one, stealing only their heads and using them as ammo to fight. It didn’t take the village long to find out that Mr.Marrow was back, undead, and furious.

Nobody could stop the Horsemen, anyone that tried were put in place by his deadly aim! The villagers summoned Eon and the Skylanders to help with their haunting phantom, but because he had such good aim, Eon offers him a spot on the Skylander team. As long as he promised to stop killing people and taking their heads, instead he could take the heads of the bad guys that try to take over Skylands. The phantom eagerly agrees, and takes on the nickname “Headshot”.

Personality : Spastic, high energy, obsessive, and naive. Headshot is surprisingly friendly as long as you don’t try to take his skull collection! Almost seen as the Freakazoid of the Skylander realm, Headshot is always in high spirits and looking for skulls to add to his collection. He can even be friendly to villains if they have a nice enough bone structure. He’s naive in the sense that he has no personal space, manners, and has absolutely no idea what romance is. Let alone ANYTHING about it, as well as most things that don’t have anything to do with bones. He’s a man with a one tract mind, but will defend those he’s grown close to. As happy of a character he may seem to be, there is a dark side to Headshot. When triggered, Headshot turns dangerously serious and downright murderous, taking on a dark deep voice and his trusty axes that he once used to behead his fellow villagers. Most Skylanders learned to never tempt Headshot, so there has yet to be an incident.

Attacks : Headshot’s main attack is flinging skulls at his enemies. He keeps a healthy collection in his empty chest cavity, pulling them out from the empty space in his neck. But if he’s enraged, he pulls out his double axes and gets down to business!

Trivia : 

  • Headshot loves sugar cubes, especially if they’re skull shaped! (Idea by LizzyDoodle)
  • Headshot sometimes likes to prank the other Skylanders and villains by leaving his head in random places and scaring them. 
  • His favorite skull at the moment is actually Havok’s; he constantly tries to touch his horns and get him to let Headshot have his skull when he dies. Havok in return is uncomfortable around Headshot and avoids him at all costs.

Credits : 
Headshot was first inspired by the song “Where’s Your Head At” when it played on my Pandora list. I got to thinking about the Headless Horseman legend, and thought how unique it would be for a character to be a mix of both the Headless Horseman AND his own horse!  I’ve always liked centaurs, but have so much trouble drawing horses I rarely draw them. But I combined the two, thought of some quarks, brainstormed with A7XSparx and LizzyDoodle, and BAM Headshot came into being. 

  • Headshot’s main inspiration was Tim Burton’s take on the legend in the movie “Sleepy Hollow”, where Christopher Walken played the Headless Horseman. Headshot was modeled after Walken’s character design, as seen here
  • Headshot’s clothing was colored by A7XSparx, but both her and Lizzy helped with his final design and personality choices.
  • Mr.Marrow’s living form was a mix between the Headless Horseman and Ichabod Crane.

Headshot© – Weirdlanders. Please do not copy, trace, edit/ manipulate this image, repost or claim as your own. Thank you!

So, I had an idea to draw a height reference for Havok, just to get a set size for him to look back on to make sure I keep him on model. But seeing as it’s been MONTHS and I’m still too busy to do much else, I figured; hey, why not just post the rough size ref I had of him with Kaos? Because Good lord, it’s funny how big he is compared to his own father xD

What worse, is that eventually Hov still gets bigger. He stops growing around 45-50 years old. The adult ref of him shows him in his mid twenties, and how I usually draw him he’s around that age (or younger, closer to early twenties since that is before he stays with Stormee and stops his flirtatious playa behavior). Even still, Kaos only comes up to his waist. I do plan on doing a size ref of Hov with Eon even, as he’s suppost to be taller than him, buuuuut we’ll see. There’s so much going on it’s really hard to just sit down and DRAW ALL THE THINGS.

Enjoy! *snickers*
~Weird Hyenas, Mun

OOC : First attempt at Havok’s adult uniform! Yeeeah not 100% happy with it, but it’s a start!

I’m attempting to go for a more ‘Kurosian war general’, where the style is both a uniform, but also armor. Most of the armor he wears is hidden underneath the fabric (to protect his human skinned abdomen, as it was his main weakpoint). The draped fabric over his legs are meant to be his wings. Growing older, his wings prove to be too big and therefor a hassle to keep. So, being the magic wielder that he is, he creates a spell that can make his wings vanish and appear as clothing on his uniform. Still getting that to look right color scheme wise, but I like how they look. The rest of it all….meh, I’ll keep working on it 🙂 In the end, Havok’s a prissy butt who likes to look menacingly good ;D

Oh Skyrim, thou hast given me so much inspiration ❤
~Weird Hyenas