
Not only is it a large book but it’s also frozen, so it’s basically a block of ice and he’s bitch slapping Spyro with it several times??? His lack of sympathy honestly astounds me sometimes

Oh my lawd I loved this part. I absolutely ADORED how sinister they made Kaos. Keeping his childish personality but still having his cruelty show at the best and right times. This show is so damn good ;u;

I remember when my husband saw this part, he was like “JESUS!!!” Yaaas this part stuck with me and I flippin love it ;u;

~Weird Hyenas, Mod

Finally finished the skylanders show! Gotta say, it was AWESOME! Well written, BEAUTIFULLY animated, and all around a good, good show. I think a little part of me was hoping for more character conflict, like in the last episode between Kaos and his mother, BUT I still VERY much enjoyed it nonetheless ;u; Even got me to like characters I previously disliked! I hope season two is just as good, if not better!