Lost Queen : There are plenty of Havok; he was a chubby little ball of rampage. He was nothing like Hysteria; Hiss was quiet and intelligent as a baby, while Havok was loud and prone to countless tantrums. He was a tough baby to raise, but I think once he learned to talk and walk he became obsessed with his father, mimicking him. Spirits, having two Kaos’ walking around was…excuse the pun, but chaotic. But I did, and still love him, and treasure the abundant photos I have of him as a chubby little baby.

Viril on the other hand, we only have one. Mind you, Viril was officially adopted by the family when he was around 18 years old. I had very little contact with Viril as a baby, as he was born to the Skylanders Dizzy Doodle and Grim Creeper. At his birth, all the magical beings of Skylands felt a disruption in the magical fabric; including me. I felt a darkness in whatever was happening, so both Kaos and I ventured out to find the source.

Kaos and I witnessed Viril’s birth, sensing that he had been infused with incredible dark powers. But Viril’s birthfather, Grim Creeper, was in denial that his firstborn son had such evil in him.

When Viril was around 5 years old, I was able to meet with him alone, and took him to visit my family. Havok was 7 at the time, and didn’t make friends with anyone easily. But Viril quickly became his first real friend. I showed Viril that he would be welcomed within my family, his powers accepted where at home, he was forced to hide his abilities from others. He loved his birth family so much, he chose to stay with them and visited as he grew older. 

I’ve always treated him as my own. I knew what it was like to be hidden away as a child, and so we gave him the love he deserved. Him and Havok eventually treated each others like brothers, as Viril was the only other person he ever truly connected with. The Creepers loved him too, but didn’t accept him for all that he was. He left his family just a few years after the events of Trap Team to be with us forever, and since then, he’s been an amazing, albeit strange, addition to the Kaos Family.

|| AskGrimCreeper’s post about Viril’s birth and Adoption || Other Viril Posts (Weirdlanders)  || Viril and Havok ||

Viril© askgrimcreeper

Lost Queen : Well… Kurosians and petrified evil have a mix-matched relationship. It would naturally manifest in the mountains closest to Kurosian settlements. We could create it ourselves if we wanted to, and we often did to smith into our armor. It would help strengthen our magic, give us reserves to fall back on if we run out of energy on the field.

But to take it into our own bodies… the results are not good. We lose ourselves and become mindless beings of instinct and rage. And with my fury powers unstable enough as they are… I couldn’t imagine the result would be beneficial to anyone. If anything, I’d probably just look really cool.

(( OOC : one day, I’d love to finish this but holy taataas the shading was already taking a million years and I had only done the face ;n; ))


Up and out. Up and up and up, and out out out.

She whirled and tumbled, seeking out the Mistress. Her original intent quickly forgotten, like the flicking of a silvery wibbly-squibbly fish tail under water, and so she wandered beyond the walls, beyond the veil. Wherever her tether pulled her, she floated, not needing wings like the others did. No, she was not bound by gravity, unless she willed it, and willed it she did, to plummet aimlessly.

A fear from when she had not been a cosmic being tapped in her chest, claws raking, teeth biting at her ribs, and she curled tightly before launching herself up again, leaving off her gravitational pull, to zip and swerve upwards and follow the tether. Follow the trail, follow the scent of the dragons, the Skylanders.

The Skylanders? Oh how marvelous! A show! And if she was lucky, one of the sad fops would die at The Mistress’s claws, and it would be dinner AND a show! Using the ethereal fog that made up her lower body, she fashioned a chair of sorts, floating above the island that served as a battle ground.

Mother against child, child against foe and friends, friends who forgot they were foes. Old faces, faces she knew when she sank in through The Little Mistress’s skull to her dreams, such tortured and delicious dreams! Poor lass, poor Little Mistress! The Mistress screamed and railed, outraged at some betrayal. It did not matter, but the djinn leaned forward in her chair to listen more closely….

The world exploded into color, pain an instant on its heels, and she went tumbling again. Soaring, then falling, then caught, and pain in repetition, until her claws latched onto a face and raked down. She was released, and fell against the ground.

“Only cowards watch a battle,” a voice said, thick with a strange accent that was familiar and alien to her. The cosmic being lifted her head, and rose to her full height, the tips of her ears and her crown of horns easily towering over the pale spit of a Skylander. She opened her muzzle to speak, but out came sound instead of words, a winded grunt as her gut was jabbed by a fist, clad in thickened leather and tipped with a metal plate.

Claws scrabbled to grab into something, the arm to render it useless, to rip it off, but her claws plunged through smoke, and her entire body went cold. With confusion mounting, she shifted out of a physical form, and her opponent fell through her as if he’d been leaning on air. Twisted, and pounced, and began to slam her paws into the back of his head, feeling bone crack, but then she was flying again, and it was her turn to be pummeled.

“Only a coward attacks from behind!” the brawler shouted in between strikes, and she attempted to defend herself. Finally, one of the gloved hands slammed down on her throat, and began to press. “If you are not with us, you are against us. You will die for this, traitor!”

Can I die? Is it possible for me to die anymore? Or am I beyond that point, now? Stars I wish I knew…. Black spotting her vision faded in an instant, as she realized she’d just been thinking. Thinking. THINKING?!

With a roar that shook the earth, she flipped them both, until he was on his back and she was coiled around him, a great snake that crushed at his bones, until he screamed. How dare he, after all this time! Millenia had passed, she had not thought in entire MILLENNIA, and only now, when she had sworn loyalty to The Mistress and her cause, did he bother to appear. She hadn’t even known she could think again, but knew that HE was the cause of it. He was the balm, the start of the cure…and he stood against her. How dare he exist?!

“Djinn!!” The Little Mistress’s voice rang out, cutting through the ringing in her ears. The red began to fade from her vision, and she lifted her head. “Djinn…you….you’re here?”

“I followed the tether, Little Mistress.”

“But…Mother didn’t say she wanted you involved?”

“Mistress and Little Mistress control what I grant with my powers, but I control whither and where it is I choose to be. My tether pulled me here. To kill this.”

“What’s thi….oh Eon! Night Shift!”

The entity looked down from the point she’d been staring, finding her victim mostly healed. There was a spot where his lip had been split, but other than that, he was fine…winded, and probably weakened from the healing, but whole. She grabbed him by his cravat, hauled him up as Little Mistress approached. She heard the Queen’s girl stop, and out of the corner of her eyes saw the young dragon open her wings to keep the other Skylanders at bay.

“Is he an ally to you, Little Mistress?”

“Well, yes, of course!”

“You are his friend, Little Mistress?”

“I-I…yeah, or, I was. Not anymore n-now that Mother took me i—”

“You needn’t explain your shift in loyalties, Little Mistress,” the djinn interrupted. “Mortal politics are a mystery, but Kurosian customs are not so mysterious to me.”

“I’m…I’m sorry, Djinn…I know you are still loyal to my mother.”

“I am loyal to whomever holds my lamp in their possession, Little Mistress.”

A pause. Hm. Perhaps this wasn’t the best time to mention that. She growled, eyes beginning to glow again, as she thought once more. She tightened her grip on the vampire’s cravat, as he bared his teeth at her, clearly still unable to do much but display.

“Shall I end him, Little Mistress? Do you wish him to stay alive?”

“D-don’t kill him, Djinn. Let him go. That’s what I want.”

“As you say.” Without a second glance, she released her foe, heard him drop. She turned to the Lost Queen’s daughter, and bowed her head. “I will not kill him now, nor attempt to in the future, Little Mistress. You would be wise to avoid The Mistress’s ire. I fear I shall not meet you again.”

“I’m so sorry, Djinn…but…can’t you stay?”

“No, I cannot. The Mistress calls to me.”

As she left, they both knew it was a lie. But The Skylanders did not make to go after her, and along the way, she felt the sanity snap off.

Back and back again, down the rabbit hole, into the prison, into her haven, her heart and her hell…where she hid away for years, until a passing of the lamps occurred, once, and once again.

“So,” she said, on seeing who the new Master was. “It would seem Little Mistress is now The Master, nnh?”

“Yes,” Cynder replied, sighing out a breath of relief. “But please…don’t call me Master. Call me by my name.”

“A name you do not deserve, so says The Mistress in her sleep.”

“I…I know I don’t deserve it….but, call me that anyway.”

“If this is your will.”

“It is.”

“So then it will be.”

And so began her trip down another rabbit path, surrounded by these adorable mice, to overthrow The Mistress and The Emperor, once and for all.

I blame weirdlanders and shalonesk for getting me into Skylanders fanfiction/art.

Skylanders and all themes are © to not me
Art and Koof/Djinn © to me

Eon : Ah… yes. It was an unfortunate incident… 

I have seen the Queen’s fury myself, however none of the Skylanders had. After she had joined forces with Kaos, so many of them began to underestimate her. It was inevitable that they would learn the hard way…

The Skylander, Grilla Drilla, was made an example. Upon seeing him, The Queen immediately lost herself in Fury and attacked him, and only him. Nothing the other Skylanders did could tare her away from him; she was so fixated on Grilla that it was as if the others weren’t even there. It was only when he stopped moving that the Skylander Warnado was able to distract her and lead her away.

Somehow, Grilla survived. It was Spyro and Cynder who suggested the attack was a connection between her Fury and the fact Grilla was a monkey. Tthey were the only two who knew Malefor had ape minions.

Since then, we haven’t had such an attack. Grilla recovered, but would become absent for most missions involving the Queen.