I know is about backstabbing. But backstabbing is form of betrayal. And Malefor did betrayal Kurogh and the Kuros. So I thought I can used this

I don’t know if Kurogh was first victim of the massacre but Malefor did rip his throat out.

MY DOOOOOOOOOOOOOD HAELTH THIS IS AWESOME!!! Omg it’s so gorey it makes me so happie ;u; Seriously tho this is AWESOME, I love the framing and lil Vovo back there ooooooooomg ;3; Beautiful work with the shading too, it’s perfectly dramatic to the scene ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤  Thank you for this awesomely gorey awesomeness!!!

~Weird Hyenas

Lost Queen : I have so many memories of Kurosia before The Fall. Many, many nights spent at my favorite local pub with Kruta and Raigur’ja. It was a weekly thing for years upon years, yet… it never got old. Kruta would always bring his studies with him, Raigur would come for the food. We’d swap stories about our week, and Raigur would boast about what he did among the Silverwings, much to Kruta’s annoyance. 

Ahaha, Raigur would always, without fail, try to wean me into studying to be a Silverwing instead. He didn’t doubt my abilities, instead that’s what brought him to me. Every night we’d have our hangout the two would squabble about it, Kruta insistent that my education was far more important than muscling my way to the top. 

Despite this, there was always that time of the night where we’d just laugh, sing our favorite songs, embarrass each other…I miss it. But I know those days are long, long gone. All I can do now is look back at these memories with a smile, celebrate the life those two had, and appreciate the experiences they gave me. We all have to look toward the future, even if it seems bleak, and appreciate what’s around us in the now.


OOC : Happy new year everybooty! Here’s to a new, better year for everyone ❤

Lost Queen : I was asleep during all of this, so I cannot speak from personal experience. But from the things I heard, from what Cynder told me, I know for a fact it was undead magic. I had no idea Malefor was undead during his time in Kurosia; he very well could have not been, and him becoming this ‘Undead King’ could be linked to the fall of my city. I only know of Dark, Aura and Blood Magics, Undead is… foreign to me. Being undead makes it so much easier to manipulate with dark magic, and with Cynder hatching as an undead… I can only imagine it. He had her by her very soul since the day she broke free from her shell, that… is how he controlled her.

I have seen depictions of her whilst under his manipulation… and it churns my stomach. She is stunning, but after knowing the truth of it sickens me. 

Dearest Queen, forgive my ask, but it is pure curiosity- It’s about Cynder’s name. It sounds less Kurosian than any other name, or perhaps her name is a rough translation so the mortals could say it? Thank you in advance for your answer! (To creator: This blog is amazing and I love it so much ;w; Great work!)

Lost Queen : That’s probably because I didn’t get to name my own daughter.

She was hatched by Malefor, and the twisted basterd gave her that name. His way of a sick joke. She was the last cinders of a now dead race, or what he presumed was dead. 

If I had been given the chance to name her… personally… I liked the name Avelyn. It means “Longed-for child” or “longed-for daughter”. I always did want a daughter…

((OOC : dyaw thank you so much hon! I’m very happy you’re enjoying it! ❤))


OOC : Damnit skylanderwishes, damn you for showing me this awesome FNAF2 song and getting it stuck in my head with Voteil and Lost Queen in mind. 

Damn you i love you

|| Youtube Song Link ||

Voteil : Not all the spirits in the city are crazed, however. Some are just spirits locked in a forever loop of their final days. If you wait by certain places, stand completely still, the spirits will visibly act out their day! Just um… don’t interact with them. If they pick up something is off, that attracts the bad ghosts…

|| Kurosian Poltergeists || Kurosian Funerals/Bhailiu summons || Cynder and Lost Queen’s Ghost Story || Havok’s Ghost Encounter ||

Lost Queen : Yes… yes, we did. But it was one that I, personally, did not believe in.

As the centuries flew by, more and more of our people were killed. Some out of fear, others for our rare metal bones. Nonetheless, my people grew more nervous about our own end.

We were the legendary Kuros, black dragons born from the purest of darkness to serve the high purpose of keeping the eternal balance of good and evil intact. And yet, we were slowly being eliminated. 

Eventually, only the great city of Kurosin’Laidirlon was left. 

It made my people scared, to say the least. We grew desperate, begging our gods to help. They listened, and all protected our great and powerful city. They promised us a savior, a dragon of purple, to save the Kuros from extinction. 

We were aware of the purple dragons of legend, and so, our people prophisized that a purple dragon will oen day come to us, and save us. Not just save us, but they would lead us to victory over those who had killed us, and immerse their land into eternal darkness for their crimes agains’t the balance.

By the time I joined my people as a child, this prophecy was already three centuries old. Growing up, this prophecy… felt odd to me. It had an eerie ring to it, a bad feeling that nobody else seemed to feel would make my very bones grow cold. But, I kept this to myself. 

Then, the day came when he appeared.

I was Queen, and I was with my first clutch when that damned purple bastard appeared from the Veil. Oh how my city rejoiced, our savior of legend was here to deliver us from certain death. Nobody was as taken with him than my King, Kurogh. He welcomed him to our city and praised him as a God, and our people worshipped him. All, but me.

Right from the start, I knew his true intentions. He did not care for my people. We were a means to an end, tools for his own goals. He was not sent by our gods, but our gods were… eerily silent about him. Almost as if they could do nothing about him. So I took it upon myself to save my people from his wrath.

that bastard, that honorless, selfish demon…

was Malefor.