Wasn’t Kaos wearing his emperor outfit from Superchargers? Does it take place in the game timeline?

TLDR; He’s wearing that emperor outfit, but this isn’t really during Supercharger times as Superchargers have been around for a few years (Havok having an on and off again fling with Splat and other Supercharger ladies who haven’t developed grudges against the Empire/Kurosian Kingdom). It’s more of a cameo and to show he’s an older, more developed depiction verses his younger, MORE immature cloaked Kaos). Just summerizing cuz I kinda get into how Weirdlanders breaks away from canon Skylanders lore.

The way Superchargers melds with WL is merely with cameo type things, since if Feur was around during ‘The Darkness’ tricking Kaos she would have picked up that it was a parasite. He’s lying and developing a connection to Kaos to control him, latching onto his power to eventually control it when the Parasite had consumed enough. Feur would have killed it, Kuros knowing full well about this rare, and dangerous creature. They would be a species labeled for instant kill, something every Kuros had a duty to evoke. Kurosian Gods give this instinct to their dragons as they are meant to be the reigning control over Darkness, a mistake like that Parasite would need godly interference. 

Kaos already turned against his family before, fulfilling that character-developing arc and making him a better father by the time the parasite would come along. He’s protective of his empire and his family now that they’re quickly becoming the reigning evil influence of Skylands, nothing ‘The Darkness’ could offer would tempt him to destroy that. A young, family-less Kaos would eagerly take that opportunity, or a newly father type Kaos like he was in the Trap Team arc. But after that arc, and now in the most recent arc, Kaos wants to build an empire with Feuriah’s kingdom so it’s once more the true evil power of all realms again, Kurosian Gods or no, with his bloodline ruling the empire-side for generations to come. He’s older (in WL canon, I’d say he’s maybe 30+ years older than the Skylanders Academy or game canon Kaos’), and with his more ‘eternal’ partner he’s gained some insight in wanting to set roots in case something ever happens to him. Begging Feur every season to have more eggs to rule outposts in the future (Feur having had more children than a young queen normally would, especially after the circumstances. But she realizes humans are far more mortal than dragons so she’s complied, knowing all too well to enjoy things while they last for they could be taken away in a moment).

After Trap Team, Kaos upgrades his wardrobe for more official affairs (or when he wants to show off) and I’ve always liked it for him. I do eventually want to give him a more Kurosian like crown, but Kaos still refuses to call himself the King of Kurosia because he wants to be known as an Emperor sooooo I can at least see Feuriah refusing to make him a Kurosian crown. Their partnership (they aren’t married) is a melding of an Empire and a Kingdom to make a massive evil force to control the other dark collectives. So, keeping an emperor like crown like in Superchargers fits perfectly to me 😀 Cameos!

so sorry for the rambling I kinda got into a character study ish kinda rant ;n;

~Weird Hyenas

The Bounty Hunter

I couldn’t help myself x,D After doodling my first concept of what Buzz might have looked like in his youth, I had to try a full body. Again taking inspiration from the character Buzz reminded me of most, Mad-Eye Moody from Harry Potter, I changed a few things here and there. Removing the metal chest-plate he wares, figuring after some near death experience he takes that on later in life (along with him losing his leg of course). I still liked the idea that he lost his eye early in his career as a bounty hunter ;u; 

I’ve been putting so much thought into him, I misewell put in the bio I have for him thusfar 😀 I might leave some of it out there for later delving (or if people decide to ask young Buzz, why not? 😀 ). I’ll update it the more I add in, he’s been a blast to think of while I run around the animal shelter doing my work XuX

Name : Buzz
: Late twenties, early thirties
Species : Highland Mabu
Relationships : Scattered
Role : Charming Bounty Hunter

Personality : Reckless, but naturally talented and charming, Buzz is a rather excitable man for a bounty hunter. Fearless and at times cocky, the mabu is unlike most of his kind and will willingly throw himself in danger to catch whomever he’s hunting. He tends to find out strange but clever ways of catching his prey, but prefers to put villains away more to keep Skylands safe rather than for the money.

History :

Buzz was born on a farm on the outskirts of a small mabu village. So small in-fact, that everybody knew everybody. Buzz was the third child to his parents but the first male, and from a very young age would help his father around the farm (though, his sisters did so too). Even when he was young, Buzz was very agile and eager to make his family proud, chasing off chompies and other pests that dared tried to disturb his family’s farm.

However Buzz was never truly meant to stay on the farm as a band of ferocious bandits made their way into his small, innocent village. Due to the remoteness, the Skylanders couldn’t quite make it in time to aide the poor mabu. Buzz’s farm was eventually attacked, and at a mere 12 years old tried to help his family defend it. Sensing that help was on the way, the bandits ravaged what they could and left the village before the Skylanders showed up, and it was then Buzz realized that his father and one of his sisters had passed away in the skirmish. 

The Skylanders did their best to help hunt the bandits down, but they were so far gone they could not catch them. Despite his grief, Buzz tried to stay on the farm to help his now smaller family for a handful more years, but the thirst for justice was too great for him. Pulling on his father’s leather coat and what money he could scrounge up, Buzz left his mother and sister to hunt down the bandits on his own.

Buzz learned the rough life fast, and found that he was talented in fighting and busting baddies. Slowly, over years upon years, Buzz hunted down the bandits that took his father and sister, bringing them to justice rather than killing them himself. But the older he got, the more merciless he grew. He started to get more frustrated that the head bandit was becoming more elusive the more skilled HE got. Unfortunately, Buzz lost his right eye early in his bounty career, but bounced back without hesitation.

Finally, decades after the fact, Buzz caught wind of the head bandit that led the attack all those years ago. Whilst hunting him down, one lead found him chasing a woman for information. Turns out, the woman was no associate of his, but rather a new pilot named Amelia. The bandit had nicked some expensive parts from her, so Amelia eagerly joined Buzz to help hunt him down. Though Buzz wasn’t too accepting at first; he did not like involving others as it risked them being hurt, but with Amelia who was so eccentric he had no say.

However, when Buzz and Amelia had the bandit on the run, in a last ditch effort to escape the bandit shot Amelia, assuming that Buzz was romantically involved with her. Of course, Buzz chose to help Amelia and let the bandit go. He stayed with her and learned that due to the wound, Amelia could no longer continue in her favorite career as a pilot. Racked with guilt, Buzz left Amelia never to return. 

Eventually, Buzz did find the bandit again. However, after all the years chasing him and showing Buzz just how ruthless he was, the mabu took his first life. After finally serving justice, Buzz continued his career and growing his skills, helping others the best he could until he eventually grew too old to continue. Instead, he eventually lent his hand and joined the Skylanders, helping train future warriors with his decades upon decades of experience. 

OOC: this is actually a really, REALLY old post. Probably a year old xnx’ but I didn’t like how the scene played out, so I waited until I made a part two to explain things a bit more before posting it. Well, I never got around to it, so I’m just going to post this anyway despite it’s age 😀

I’ve rarely shown Feur having a PTSD episode, and I felt this was a wonky way of showing it. BUT, I try 😀

OOC : This took me a week to doodle thanks to work xux’ BUT I CAUGHT A WEIRD BUZZ BUG AND JUST HAD TO!

The doodle started out as me just wondering what Buzz’s wounded eye would look like. He can’t see out of it as it’s glossed over and all tissue around it is so damaged it doesn’t move while his good eye does. I noticed that in the games, cuz I’m a nerd and love Buzz too much, that when he speaks only his left eye and eyebrow emotes while the other side doesn’t (probably saving animation time but STILL)

Then I started to doodle what Buzz might have looked like while he was younger. Because he makes me think of Mad-Eye Moody from Harry Potter, I took more influence from him (reddish hair and clothing). I figure he got the eye-scar earlier in his bounty hunting career and lost his leg later 😀 I might doodle him some more if my muse demands it~