Lost Queen : Okay THAT guy I definitely remember.

His name was Brubb. Yes, Brubb. He was a Gargoyle sculptor, I went to him when I was shopping for a gargoyle of my own. There were many who sculpt and enchant them, but he was very… weird. He’d want you to witness him sculpting your gargoyle that you ordered, all the while asking you the most bizarre questions. Like what you ate that day, how your talons were doing, if your bowel movements were regular…that kind of stuff. I never understood his appeal.

I personally didn’t buy from him, I wanted a gargoyle to use as a journal of sorts (whom I do still own, Goliath), and I wasn’t willing to sit down for days while he sculpted and asked me far too personal of questions. However a dragon I grew up with, Brombe, swore to Mahoura that Brubb made the best gargoyles. But for me? No, noooooooooooooo thank you

Lost Queen : Oh, I think I remember him, vaguely. His name was Saemir, and he was a writer, running his own publication service. He focused on writing about Kurosia, all of it. From plantlife, environments, beasts, everything. His books were very popular for colleges to use, and I had many in my private collection. He was very specific in his research for his books, but was rather quiet and uninterested in socializing. It was pretty obvious he preferred keeping to himself to research and write, so I never spoke to him myself. 

They’re heeEEeeere!

Finally after a long wait (my apologies), the Urlathei are here! Say hello to your buggy new friends 8D

The ref itself it way too big for tumblr, so it’s up on my dA! It’s the most detailed I’ve gone into a breed, but I plan on doing an in-depth ref of all the breeds like this for the Kurosia website.

Their lore will be updated at a later date! It needs some more tweaking, but since the ref itself was already completed, I wanted to post them up instead of waiting 😀

~Weird Hyenas