Lost Queen : Oh no, it’s more often than not flown into, but there is a rocky base some use. Think of it like… entering a giant canyon, filled with a thick palpable mist. Kurosia is built on top of a jaggid, country sized mountain, near it’s peak there are few fields, though there is the Black Forest behind the castle that the Catacombs lead out into. On the outside, the Veil appears as a large cloud of black smoke behind a rocky gate like formation. I’ve never traveled the bottom of the crossing, but I’ve heard from some that it can be VERY unnerving, as not all those that make it are taken into Breithonakt’s body merge in whole; some parts still lie around.

Breithonakt is a god living in the Veil of Darkness and he guards Kurosia from those that don´t have darkness in them. He was never seen but he is watching you while you are passing the Veil. He can be recognized by the sound of rattling bones which cover his whole body. I don´t know about you but I would feel VERY uncomfortable if I knew he is watching me from the distance XD

OOC : I’ll have you know I was attempting to sip on coffee while i was reading this. It was a horrible mistake. I don’t know what noise I made but there is now coffee on my lap. 


Lost Queen : Benach’Seir~

It doesn’t look like much, just a wall of black, churning clouds. It’s quiet, but if you listen carefully, even from the castle you can hear the dull clicking noises of Breithonakt’s bones as he moves through the Veil.

It isn’t all that clear just what the Veil is, exactly. It surrounds the peak of the mountain, all around the city, whilst inside we simply see the Veil just beyond the guardian statues. Some believed that it was a portal of sorts that took you to Breithonakt’s realm when entered, and only he could decide if you were worthy enough to pass through. Bhailiu however also comes in and out of the Veil, but it’s assumed that the owl god takes souls to a different realm than Breithonakt’s. Or, the spirits become one with the Veil, and provide Skylands with the evil it needs. It depends on a Kuros’ personal belief on that, I view it as a dimension full of doors, in a sense. Doors to other realms like Breithonakt, or wherever Bhailiu goes. 

I could tell Voteil was a Seuth because of his powers. Seuth’s are strange in that way, they can look like the other breeds, but their powers label them a different breed all together. They have a different blood type completely unique to them, but there have been so little of them they are very hard to study.