So if Feuriah’s mother is a Yehksire, does it explain how her (Feuriah) egg was purple instead of normal black Kuros eggs? And does that mean Feuriah has something that normal Kuros’ don’t?

OOC : Indeedy do! Feuriah’s egg was the only purple one of the clutch, but that was expected by Yahvii. Doesn’t mean she’s Yehkshir herself (oh lawd imagine Warfang’s reaction if a freakn Yehkshir hatched instead of a Shire Kuros x,D ). 

Feuriah is, or was, the first Kuros to be born with the Convexity element as her sole element. The Kuros themselves didn’t even know what her abilities were, as only the purple dragons could breathe convexity previously. Those of Feuriah’s bloodline are able to use Convexity, which would explain how Cynder was able to use it. 

For Weirdlanders, Havok and Hysteria don’t have the ability, however. They have their own benefits, as Havok can manipulate all elements but light (he’s not a portal master, but close. He could rival that of the purple dragons I suppose, but again he can’t use Convexity). Hysteria has an impeccable connection to the Darkness that makes her powerful, that and she’s a portal master. 

I have a random question about the Kuros. Do you have to be entirely black to become a Kuros or can you have some bright colours just not the entire body. Like lets use mrs lost queen for example what if she had more purple colours on her instead of black? Would she still be considered a Kuros? Or what if someone was completely idk red or yellow with very little black but had relatives that were Kuros? Would they be a kuros too?

Lost Queen : The key thing about Kuros is our black scales (which can be a dark grey all the way to jet black) and Kuronium, the unique metal that is our bones. If the dragon’s main scale color is not black, AND if they do not have Kuronium; they are not Kuros. Secondary colors are just that, secondary, a complimentary color instead of main. But, it is possible for another species of dragon to have Kurosian blood in their line. Very possible, actually; Kuros have been around for quite a long, loooong time. 

Kuros are very strange when it comes to genetics. I think I could be the best example with this. None of it is proven, since I never found out who exactly my mother was, but it’s likely that my father, Acerbus, had Kurosian ancestry. A banished Kuros could have survived the hunters and reproduced with another species of dragon, but while there aren’t exactly ‘half breed’ kuros, some of the offspring could have been born the non-kurosian species but still carried the genes to produce a Kuros later down the family tree. 

There have been times a Kuros pops up in say… Warfang, yet neither of the parents are Kuros. It happens. Happened to me. I was lucky as others had stood up for me. I’m certain there had been a few before me that weren’t as lucky.

Lost Queen : Well… there was one other dragon, other than Ignitus…. She was a lot like me back then; heavily bullied, treated as a freak, so we connected a lot. I often tried to seek her out when Ignitus was away. We’d play in the forests around Warfang, free from our tormentors, free to be… well, children. 

Gaea was her name, yes. She… she was the only regret I have for destroying Warfang. The look of betrayal in her eyes… I won’t ever forget it. But, it was the true price of joining Kurosia. In order for me to be happy and to rejoin my people, I had to cut all ties from Warfang. From Gaea.

I only hope she escaped with Ignitus, and has since lived a happier life.

Gaea© – skylanderwishes

Lost Queen : There was no single ruler, but a council lead by the fire guardian. They were all bigoted, prejudice individuals, even Volga deep down. That whole city was corrupted, full of dragons so scared they bullied me out of fear. Shunned me, spat at me, cursed me out of the city, forcing me to live in the forests out-skirting it. Ignitus… and a few others, had been kind to me, yes. But when I defended myself, I was put on trail right away, and put to death. No matter of kindness could justify that, so I escaped and lead my people into Warfang and set it ablaze. 

Ramses… Oh, of Dragon’s Peak? I know of him, but he ruled his Peak, Warfang was it’s own city. I’ve lead a few personal warning raids on the Peak before though, he was king then. Wise dragon… knew to respect the balance, and not tempt us. Is he still around? 

Other Acerbus post

OOC : GAWD IT FELT TO GOOD TO DRAW THESE CHARACTERS AGAIN! I really do miss them, and the comic, but good lawd to strive to continue that goliath of a comic is still not in me anymore. Still was awesome to Skylanderize these guys, other than Acerbus. I reused his image from another ask, because his doodle wasn’t wanting to work with me (of course, Acerbus’ was being the ass). 

Also, I didn’t include DragonCid’s characters like I did in the FD comic. Those are her characters, not mine, so I’m sticking with these four in the Skylander verse 🙂 This also includes Kindle. I love her characters don’t get me wrong, but that’s for the FD universe ^u^

Lost Queen : Warfang was incredibly paranoid about Kuros; hence how I was treated as a mere baby. But nobody was more prejudice than Acerbus. I’ve never heard of other Kuros being in Warfang, or even around; Spirits, if there had been the whole city would have gone mad. 

I could be wrong, I never looked into it, nor did I ask him. I obeyed my Queen when she demanded to see my loyalty, and I killed him myself without a doubt. I haven’t wanted to find out who my mother was, I was disgusted enough with my father. Kurosia raised me, they were my family. 

So Lost Queen, We are all know about Kaos’s mother but what about your mother?

Lost Queen : I never found out who she was, I only found out who my father was a few days before I lead the Kurosians into Warfang. It really could have been any female in the city; after Acerbus’ first mate passed he was quite… ‘active’. But honestly I don’t care who she was; neither she nor Acerbus stepped in during the years I suffered in Warfang nor did they defend me during my trail. She was probably killed along with Acerbus when the Kuros attacked.