HNGGGGG I am probably the wooooooooorst person to ask, I’m sorry! I’m very sparse when I write because my full time job comes first, then commissions, then personal work IF I have freetime. My time management skills are nowhere to be seen 8,D But I wish you luck hon! Usually when I read a lot or listen to audio books I get more inspired to write ;3; if that helps!

~Weird Hyenas




omg this actually made me stop and tear up a little ;u; it really conveys what’s goin on it’s touching, my lawd hon thank you so very, very much for setting aside time to do this for us ;u; thank you, thank you so much ❤ ❤ ❤

Sharing this here too because I can’t stop looking at it. I can’t express how accurate this feels, thank you @jaiette

~Weird Hyenas

Weirdie Update~

Again, apologies on the lack of art! Yee, I fallen hard for Undertale, but before Thursday I was working on a few of the larger asks for posting. The husband and I left Thursday to visit family, and I figured I’d have time to doodle to myself and whatnot. Buuut… some unexpected things got in the way.

Unfortunately, we arrived in Canada to some awful family drama. I won’t really go into detail about it, but in short it made our original place to stay incredibly unsafe. It’s going to be a pretty bumpy Christmas for us, but we’ll make do ^u^

On night one of this stay, I accidentally bumped my Mac on the ground. Not a full drop, as I was able to catch it in time so it just bumped (a blanket was also a cushion), but after my mac stopped charging. Not sure if it’s the charger crapping out, or if that little bump knocked something lose (seriously, f*ck macbooks). I had enough juice in that thing to upload my commission files onto my dropbox, scream about it briefly on my personal tumblr, but nothing else. 

Sadly, that means the asks I was working on are inaccessible. I ordered a new charger just in case, but if the charger wasn’t the problem, that mac might be down for the count. Yeah, it’s probably fixable, but I refuse to spend a bunch of money on that thing anymore x,D 

I have a lovely PC at home that I’m currently working on setting up as my main. It has photoshop and my brushes already loaded on it, but I was dragging my feet to upload all my art folders, textures, texts, etc. onto it. Also have to change hotkeys, and pretty much get used to working with the PC. I’ve owned a mac so long it’s poisoned my mind to better computers *sniffles*

No worries about the family drama though! Things will eventually work themselves out. Coming from a broken family myself, it’s a thing I’m just used to, but it’s never fun to see it happen to another person. Especially my husband, I kinda like that guy. Even if it’s going to be a bumpy christmas for us, we’re very happy to spend it with each other. 

Happy holidays to everybooty, and to those suffering a nasty holiday too; keep your chins up. Stay strong, there’s always someone out there that loves you for you. ❤

~Weird Hyenas

PS – PRETTY MUCH this also means I had no access to the internet all weekend. If anyone has posted something they wanted me to see, PLEASE link me!