Baby Yehks are born with the ability to shapeshift right away, but their natural form is not like their full grown counterparts. They’re roughly the size of a normal horse, with their wings not fully developed but enough to allow them to fly upon hatching. They are able to care for themselves, and are born with the instinct to hide in other, lower forms to camouflage themselves. It can take half a century for a Yehkshir to grow to adulthood, and can live until they’re killed by the Black Swords. They are born with their crowns not yet formed, but their elemental gems grow with them. While they do not seem to have eyelids, they have a translucent set of eyelids that slide over their eyes in a circular motion. Their pupils eventually dull and their eyes turn a deep crimson when they’re full grown. They also sound like this

Although they can fend for themselves when they hatch, the mother will often flee with her Yehkshir egg and leave the others to naturally be spread among Kurosia (it is unsure how this happens. Some are distributed as eggs, others raised by beasts or ‘unknown dragons’ until they happen upon a Kurosian village, etc. There are many more tales of how the offspring of Yehkshir blend into the realm). The mother feels compelled to teach her single egg how to fight/kill/escape from the Black Swords, how to hunt for prey, etc. The mothers only stick around for a short period before they get sick of their daughter’s company, and abandon them. If the daughter doesn’t leave them first.

Olfur’Yehkshir, the bigger, all-mother Yehkshir, are born full grown with a single core element, with all their memories intact. Their eggs emerge deep underground as Mahoura’s own flesh is part of Kurosia; eventually making their way to the surface to once more hunt again. 

However with Mahoura asleep, she is unable to give birth to the Olfur. The Yehkshir that remain are far and few, the Black Swords killing them off more and more over the century Mahoura’s been asleep. Soon, the Yehkshir will die out, and the last hope of Kuros returning depends on awakening the Gods again.

Do Yehkshirs voice’s change depending on the form of dragon they take?

Yup! Yehkshir have the ability to completely mimic a voice, but it’s limited to what they hear. Experienced Yehkshir will stalk female dragons to learn their behaviors, habits, speech patterns, etc. to keep their disguises up to date to their prey’s cultures. The best way for them to perfectly mimic a voice quickly is to eat a dragoness’ throat to reconstruct it, which is useful for a Yehkshir during hunts if they’re patient and clever enough. 

However, you won’t find a Yehkshir trying to impersonate someone for too long as it risks exposure, even if they’re trying to blend into society. The Black Swords have easy ways of telling what a disguised Yehkshir looks like, even the big ones. Going out disguised is always a risk, only the most clever escaped the Black Swords (until their numbers slowed, of course. Thanks Malefor! D:< )

~Weird Hyenas

Greetings! 😁 Finished designing my fan character for the bewitching world of Kurosia. I’ll be making a reference sheet with her info, soon.
Her name is Súileanahkt na Fala (Eyes of the Void), a Yehkshir who wields the element of Void/Abyss.

Oh, my lawd. This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! ;3; My jaw literally dropped open when I saw this, your work is so fantastically amazing. That linework is gorgeous too, AND THAT HAIR LASKD;ALKSDJF I, LOVE THIS. SO MUCH!!!! I wish I had more words to describe how much I love!

~Weird Hyenas

Niko : Don’t worry, the Black Swords are taking care of them one by one. Though, haven’t seen the big ones in a while… it’s been over a century since we last killed Yahvii, the big pest my clan is responsible for. It’s almost like they’re not being reborn or something.

In the meantime we’ve been hunting the regular ones.Guess we’re finally wiping them all out.


here you have the end of the world.
she had scales but sai fucked up on so…she has no scales.

I forgot the name of the type of dragon but it belongs to Weird Hyena.

OOC : Oh my gawd that shading holy-YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO KILL ME WITH ALL THIS BEAUTIFUL WORK, AREN’T YOU? *sobs with glee*

That face tho, that crest, holy fook I absolutely LOVE how intimidating this gal is O_O Now THAT’S a fearsome Yehkshir, AWESOME WORK PIP JEBUS!!!!

Two questions. One, is Feur a Shire because her mom was a Yehkshir? And two, there were other eggs in the clutch, but only Feur’s was purple. Does that mean only Feur’s egg was convexity, and if so, what would the other eggs have been since you said that Olfur’Yehkshir pass on their own element to their young, not the sire’s element?

OOC : Feur is a shire by random, Yehkshir produce many breeds in a clutch (again, think of it more like a mythos thing rather than like scientifically). 

Feur’s egg WAS convexity, but her egg was given special purpose. The others in her clutch would have hatched with different variations of the element. Kind of like how with the Earth element, some dragons specialize with rocks while others wood or vines, etc. At least, that’s just how I personally think of the elements. There’s the key ones, Water, Wind, Earth, etc, but many subcategories. Olfur offspring typically are that element, with all those subcategories included in the clutch.  

Feuriah was meant to be that special snowflake that would have pure Convexity, while all her siblings would have aura/energy based abilities.